
Schefter’s tweets really are the opposite of political, at least in response to the original question “should people in the sports media make their political viewpoints known publicly?”(most likely because he lacks the nuance to see the difference between your political beliefs and referencing “something” political,

I know, right? Who could like a tension-filled movie about a woman fighting to survive in an environment trying to kill her. But enough about Gravity, this looks terrible.

iPhone 5s or higher only. Weird. My iPhone 5 is off contract and still works like a champ, so this is a bummer.

I would blame my provider but I can download movies to my MacBook/iPad/on demand with no problem. It seems to only be an issue with how the Apple TV handles downloads and streaming content from Apple servers via iTunes or first party apps(even at 720)

Before worrying about fixing the remote app it would be great if they could fix the streaming issues with first-party apps. The apple trailers app buffers endlessly while youtube will play the exact same trailer without a single problem. Also sick of seeing“your movie will be ready to play in 3 hours” anytime I

You’ll be putting on a clinic with the Nurse Practitioner from Steph Curry.

Dr. Manhattan is the antagonist. In the context of the story he, and by extension the aesthetic popularized by Watchmen, is directly responsible for the loss of hope, light, fun (however you want to describe it) in the DC universe. It’s not affirming the nihilism, it’s explicitly stating that the nihilism is “wrong”

Nothing was stopping you, nothing is stopping you now, and no laws are going to stop you in the future if you really want to go into a women's bathroom. It's a contrived issue solving a problem that doesn't exist that no one gave two thoughts to until certain political parties realized they could use this fake issue

Huge Cubs homer here, this is some real bullshit on Lackey’s part. I mean, he sounds like Jasper from the Simpson’s: “home run? that’s a plunkin’”

Scosche mounts have one giant flaw, you need to either use a case or stick a magnet on the back of your phone. If I could open my iPhone and stick the magnet inside I’d definitely buy a scosche mount.

Scosche mounts have one giant flaw, you need to either use a case or stick a magnet on the back of your phone. If I

People arguing that this “only hurts the fans” don’t seem to realize that by taking actions like this, the NBA can help deter other states from passing equally shitty laws in the future. Georgia Gov. Deal specifically mentioned the economic impacts in his veto of their proposed anti-gay bill.

Schilling still has his right to free speech, no one is telling him he can’t say repugnant things anymore, and in fact I’m sure he’ll continue to do so. As a matter of fact, this is exactly what the GOP is always advocating for, the free market has taken care of shit without government involvement.

Honestly, I’d be more shocked if there wasn’t a visibly racist tattoo in a crowd this size. I’m a Cubs fan and I’m appalled at some of the shit I’ve heard in the bleachers at Wrigley. People suck, get used to it.

You’re correct, the FBI did ask for a delay in the hearing one day out when they realized they had another way to access the phone. I mistakenly thought you were referring to the period between the FBI originally filing their brief and when they vacated it. I still stand by my point that they only dropped their claim

The FBI didn’t delay the proceedings, it was dragging out because Apple was contesting the order. My guess is the FBI dropped it when they did because they realized they weren’t likely to win and didn’t want a precedent set that could hinder them in the future. If they thought the court was going to rule in their

Your motivations for seeing a particular movie don’t pain anyone, trust me, so why are you taking it so personally? A negative review isn’t an attack on you or your opinions. There’s nothing wrong with hoping a movie is at the very least “good.” I guarantee Snyder didn’t set out to make a movie that requires you to

The recent episode of This American Life titled “Anatomy of Doubt” offers a heart-breaking example of just this. Someone should force Rowland to listen to it.

I blame Katich entirely for this one. For some unknown reason, it’s physically impossible for any white dude over the age of 50 to give a high five without grabbing the five-ees hand at the end. It’s a fact.

“Instead, the judge is asking Apple to create a new, custom, terrorist-phone-specific version of its iOS software to help the FBI unlock the phone.”