
I would say be careful around age 70.5, because by then required minimum distributions come into play. They're basically forced liquidations of your account, and the government stipulates how much you have to withdraw every year thereafter. I think the RMD's basically drain your accounts by age 85, but I would

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.

Now playing

The opening of this song is relevant here, as well as the chorus

The reason for the low legendary drop rate, if I'm remembering correctly, is that the drop rate is affected by what was on the Auction House. So the more legendary items on the Auction House, the less chance everyone had of finding them in game, since the interest was in keeping a balanced market.

So when the auction

Yes it will, because once the first debt is paid off, that payment is applied to the next debt. Extra income just speeds it up is all.

I would switch to a Windows phone to get this only if Jen Taylor actually voices Cortana and it's fluid sounding like the games.

Two of my favorites to use in conversation:

or using thumbnails that aren't at all representative of what the actual video shows. (Yes, they're doing exactly that for effect/to highlight the absurdity here.)

Weird. That song just came on the radio as I read this comment

Shouts have a cooldown. Spells can be cast as often as possible, if you have the magicka. So no, he is not arguing semantics; they do have a difference

EA allow community mods on their games anymore?

Wow that's amazing.

Don't forget, in most places paying less than 20% down payment gets you PMI, which is the most evil thing in the world.

This is a great fund.

This is exactly why I recommend non-tech savvy friends and family get an iPhone instead of an Android. It's much the same experience across the devices and you get all the updates at the same time, unlike Android phones. Makes their lives easier, and I get less phone calls on how to fix or find or do something on the

Haha that's hilarious! Especially the girl who gave him her number at the end!

I'd like to add to this by also saying after finding a low expense fund, look at:

$4 Million:

i dont think it's on the final product:

Right. Can't control spending when you don't know where the money is going.