
Ah a universal life policy. They're notorious for imploding on themselves.

Exactly this. Really, you can't say the wrong thing to the right person

Don't forget, the IRA/401k contributions were raised to $500 to $5,500 and $17,500 :)

Have you ever looked at your cash value policy? Namely the part where it says your death benefit is a choice of your cash value, or your face amount, but not both? Granted there is the option to keep both, but what happens is you pay more premium, and the insurance company adds another life insurance policy in there

now where can I get this mod for the game they call, "RL"?

a "quid" is an English pound, much like a "buck" is typically a US dollar,

I believe this also applies to french fries. No matter what, when I don't get french fries and my girlfriend does, they always taste better, and vice versa.

full of win

You do realize that the video you linked from Youtube explains that the guy uploaded it as an April Fools joke, right? Or did you not do your due diligence?

If you're talking about saving for retirement, you should never ever stop doing that. Just losing a few years of saving for retirement will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run. Remember, the most powerful force in the universe is compounding interest. Look up the Rule of 72 if you don't believe

I heard many of the things Will Wright showcased to us, and things that were added to the game, were stripped out over the year before launch because EA wanted a game that almost anyone could play, and obviously expansion packs.

I saw in the trailer that it has support for steam workshop, so maybe the Forgotten Empires team will put it on steam?

68 years and it's still too soon

I know what you mean. I can only boot up Skyrim for about a half hour at a time because I barely have any time myself

It took me 4 years to finally do the Oblivion (PC) main quest because I just did everything and anything that wasn't the main quest, like climbing mountains and hoarding items, and downloading mods to hoard more stuff

The big deal, in case you missed it, is that it is ILLEGAL for employers to ask for your password when they interview you, or ever.


I didn't know the Emperor lived in Florida..

5,000 points for you