
Sorry to be that guy again. Thought I had to retire it, but Torch is always amazing.

Or Jeff Gordon.

Obviously, Justin is drinking and blogging while home.


Chinese built = fail.

So right on many levels.

This deserves more love.


Ethics/conflict of interests violations are for losers. Sad!

Yup 59 year old guy here. The inheritor of Gawker.

I laughed at this too hard. Those ticket prices are a bit harsh too.

You deserve more stars.

$1800? Time to add to the heard Tracy.

Ryan, Brendan, Black and Brandon

You need a regular sub blog. I read a lot of UK politics and always been a fan here in the US. I appreciate your outlook and those of my friends in the UK.

Next stop. Branson!

That is why there are so many typos on Jalopnik.

Andrew gets all Kia press cars, free trips, shrimp and booze.

Hey. is that a Ford? Can’t tell from here.