That’s Annie Lennox OBE
That’s Annie Lennox OBE
that’s called bum fights right?
Love the blank buttons... yes, I’m one of those guys.
And Virginia - praise Jebus.
Boo. Have a star.
Still a good looking aircraft.
Hey crazy speed freak.... slow that shit down.
No. No it won’t
Potential COTD. Nice work.
Begone heretic. They are a National Heritage!
that’s a disturbing statement for all the reasons
Star for your user ID
Who needs pig bristles when you can get more interesting info from here
I have been divorced for less heinous shit. You are clearly a champion, somehow Tracy.
This comment makes me appreciate it more than I should. Doing the lord’s work here.
Appropriate respone and have another star.
Cassiebear always with the correct answer.
Gotta squirrel you don’t like?
Booo, have a star.