
Chances are if William's is saying something, he's the only one that feels that way.

As an Eagles fan, I was naturally mad about the hit. The 5 redskins fans in the room, were also mad about the hit. They wanted him ejected just as bad as I did. They agreed that there is no place in football for cheap shots, which this was. Even if he was defined as a blocker, it was an obvious attempt to blindside

I'm still confused how only 2 players were ejected. I saw punches being thrown from each side, the most obvious being #39 on Washington as he jumped into the pile.

Welp, that was dark as hell.

You wonder though, Does the Ravens stadium has enough jerseys currently in stock to meet the demand?

I'd personally hold onto mine, if only as a reminder of how you can easily ruin the best thing in your life with 1 stupid mistake.

I would like to think so. He took a position that is largely overlooked and made it something teams consider drafting players for. There are other players in the league like him that really exist because of his effect on the game.

Even though I think the penalty is stupid, its justified given the current rulebook and the NFL's stance on "excessive celebration" (i.e. fun). Most players just dont give a shit.

I swear this could be myself posting 2 years in the future.

You gotta love how people can smile and laugh as someone lies bloody and unconscious on the ground due to repeated blows to the head. Sometimes you could argue that they brought it on themselves by engaging the fight but its hard to say what really happens since most of the video is hard to even see.

One side of me, absolutely hates violence committed by men against women. It makes my blood boil. As someone who is very non-confrontational and can usually solve things in an adult manner, I can say that if I saw a man hit a woman, I would likely start throwing haymakers. Even in this case, with Ray Rice, a man who

I think the only justification was that originally she was charged with assault herself. While I don't consider this a reason to punch a woman in the face, as a man should easily be able to contain a woman's rage without having to take things that far, I think that's how most of them thought it went down. Especially

I'm not defending his actions in any way and this is something that really makes my blood boil BUT I'm wondering if its her hitting her head on the elevator that causes the knockout and not the punch/slap itself. Again, I think hes a shithead and I don't care if he'd beat me into a pulp, I would likely go at him in

I always thought Marshawn Lynch was the worlds ugliest man.

When asked about the cut, Sam stated that he was considering making the switch to offensive line. He claimed he felt more comfortable with a man behind him than a man in front of him.

I watched this with my foster brother (who happens to be black). His response:

Friggin black people.

I agree with others in saying that all sports radio is equally terrible. I was forced to listen to NY sports radio when I was living further north in NJ and it was the worst. As a Phillies fan, there was nothing more grating to me then listening to people whine about Robinson Cano.

Tom, you can't just dismiss a legitimate argument like that. Your rebuttal is essentially "yea but gay men have penises too."

I used to work at a youth center and multiple LGBT teens came in on a regular basis. They agreed that equal rights doesn't mean getting what they want but getting whats right for both sides.

This isn't entirely true. I had 2 lesbian friends in college who played softball and basketball with their team and the girls they played with stating feeling "uncomfortable" on numerous occasions simply because they were in their underwear or naked in front of them. It's that feeling of being stared at, oggled,

*Other Maine puns*