To be fair, he was only scouting.
To be fair, he was only scouting.
1) Guy beats dog.
Best thing I read all day.
I had to Google the Case Western mascot to make sure it wasn't a snake. I think you can determine why.
Am I the only one who would rather just watch them flip around over and over again? All the crap in between is like when you see a breakdance circle and guys are doing all sorts of crazy power moves and then some guy steps in to pop and lock like its still 1982. I'm sure its technical and difficult but its boring.
I love that we can pretty much count no you for a solid pun each and every time.
I thought the WNBA frowned upon this type of thing. I feel like I remember another player getting fined for dunking in the past.
As funny as this whole beef has been.... this is messed up. Mocking illiteracy, something that plagues a good chunk of the adult population in the US, is hardly what I consider funny. And that's considering that Floyd Mayweather kinda brings this crap on himself.
That said, I want to see 50 cent read 1 page of a harry…
The stakes are higher on both sides of the spectrum. There really is no appropriate workplace comparison.
And while they receive some training for these situations, they don't exactly expect it to occur in a suburb with a small population so I doubt they are really prepared. This guy was a cop in St. Ann, which has an…
I think the comparison is a little bit different. Losing a customer because you misplaced a file is different then being thrown into this situation. Even an officer experienced in controlling large crowds and riots would struggle when surrounded by this many aggressive civilians.
I've asked at least 10 people I've seen do the ice bucket challenge, what ALS is and they legitimately don't have any clue. Some were surprised to find out it wasn't cancer.
Raising awareness of acronyms is very effective.
I can understand where she is coming from. Even though the water cannon/fire hose has ties to the civil rights movement, it is a more humane way of trying to disperse of violent protesters.
The problem with the water cannon in the civil rights movement, is that it was used on non-violent peaceful protesters and…
When I was a kid, dunk contests were so cool but as an adult, it's like watching the same thing over and over again. I guess there's just a ceiling for what you can do in a traditional dunk contest.
This is my feeling. They both are in the wrong.
Stewart is a hot head and I wouldn't put it past him to try to intimidate the guy. Ward was heated and probably didn't think about what he was doing, which is how it goes for most of us when we lose our temper.
The situation is bad. I don't think Stewart will face…
Wow... I'm not a wrestling fan but I totally remember this bit.
I've been to a Sea Dogs game. My wife and I are from New Jersey but on our honey moon we ventured up to Bar Harbor. On our way back we spent a night in Portland. We got cheap tickets to the Sea Dogs as our hotel was literally right up the street (I cant remember the name but its a super cool old hotel that blends…
Let's see here. Because I pointed out the obvious fact that Texans were clearly offended by his comment, I am apparently a chai-latte loving freefi'er, just looking for a cougar to snatch me up and pay my bills?
Even if that were true, it seems as though you are jealous of that life.
He's been building up muscle by throwing bats.
Look how many Texans came out in defense of their state.
Dr. Dre has since contacted Katz about his own line of poker headphones.