
To be fair, Nnamdi was thrown in the wrong defensive system as was DRC. They are shutdown man corners, that were thrown into a zone system. It's really not that surprising that it didn't work well. Vince Young, was brought in as a backup. Babin had the best season of his career on the eagles. Smith was a promising

Stab me once, shame on you.

Stab me twice, _________.

I kinda feel bad for the kid that nailed the shot. Its all downhill from here.

Telling a joke is not trolling.

Lucky for him, Revis will be the youngest player on the team.

I think the biggest issue for Bateman playing any role, is that it will always come back to Michael Bluth. People don't see Jason Bateman, they see Michael Bluth. Whenever he takes a role that is in any way different than that, people won't really like it. His character in most of the movies hes been in since AD, have

His character in that show was very Gob'esque but sometimes it crossed the line for me. None the less, the show was spectacular because of Cross.

I like that you can even hear the sportscasters getting choked up. Typically sportscasters/newscasters are so robotic, its nice to see they have emotions.

I have a-fib and it can be scary as hell sometimes if your heart is really pounding. I'd be amazed if he didn't know something was wrong last season.

As someone who has been a competitive gamer for nearly a decade now, I'm getting a bit depressed at how this attitude has seeped into that world as well. The world of casual gaming has always been a cesspool of vile human beings who will say anything, with a small handful of people that aren't incredibly terrible

Funny, you'd never expect a weasel and a snake to cooperate so well with one another.

Just realized the error, totally not fixing it now because its funnier.

As someone who has played on a terrible basketball team (1 win season out of 25 games) I spent a majority of my time celebrating mediocrity, so much so that we cared more about celebrating than the game.

We did the same thing on our soccer team when we scored 1 goal all season. On that goal, we all pulled our heads

I knew Cortland Finnegan was a Deadspin reader.

I think the problem Tim, is that every update to the website and commenting system in the last few years has taken the site in the wrong direction. Every user of the old system would agree. Then, once you work the kinks out of the new system and everything seems to be working great, you guys change it again.

I'm all

The coach told him to get his head in the game but he was unable to.

The pizza party after a game like this, would be the sound of gnashing teeth and large gulps. I've played in long games (similar to this but likely not as long) in other sports and I remember how quiet the meals after would be. The combination of hunger and exhaustion is interesting and when the food comes out, no one

Let's take a moment to pray for this poor Lakers fan's soul.

The only thing worse than rec league softball, is church league softball. Those people are nuts.

I'm not sure if you're defending Philly or attacking them, but I can't help but agree with this. I've been going to Phillies, Sixers and Flyers games ever since I was 6 years old (never been to an Eagles game though :/). Even when they played at the Vet and tickets were dirt cheap, I rarely had a bad experience.
