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This is the only bladerunner shooting I care about.

I've long thought they should downplay the orange and red and go for something with more black/grey/white. I guess they don't want to be confused for the raiders but the Jolly Roger flag would look so much better if they just did it in black and white.

Also, I guess playing in black jerseys in Florida heat would be

Living just a stones throw from Atlantic City, I remember seeing R Kelly play as a kid.

He really wasn't all that bad.

Even though I think Nascar is one of the dumbest "sports" and I don't understand its popularity, I can now understand why someone might like Jeff Gordon.

How about a bill that trades Arizona to Mexico for a state to be named at a later date?

Ignorance is bliss I guess.

This generated a good snort laugh out of me. Thanks.

Even as a man that prefers big dogs like German Shepherds and Rottweilers, I will admit that this dog is adorable.

Says the man who uses his acceptance of same sex relationships to blanket his disinterest in one of the biggest events in sports in the last 25 years.

Like it or not, this is a big deal, because professional sports are still a very masculine environment and homosexuality is considered the opposite of masculine. It

It wasn't that big of a deal that Rosa Parks sat in the front seat of a bus either.

The lack of applause is equally as horrifying.

I only just now realized that Antawn Jamison was still playing.

Hockey is one of the few sports where a woman's butt is completely unappealing.

Ehh, philly sports fan but baseball doesn't really interest me. My opinion would be the same if this were another team.

I'm curious as to what these sources are. All I see, is that multiple anonymous sources with 0 credibility as we have no idea who they are, blame the Phillies for this.

Not saying they didn't do it, I just want to know who is behind the information.

By the way, multiple sources confirmed that Deadspin was behind 9/11.

Don't get so mad because you were proven wrong. The hosting country has nothing to do with the IOC's stance on this.

Wait a second, his name is Raymell?

Fred Phelps is the worst thing to happen to Christianity since Adolf Hilter.

Anytime someone does something "in the name of God" it seriously tarnishes Christianity and as a Christian myself, it's really frustrating.

That said, I'm not sure how I feel about a Christian man telling someone to f off. :D