oh yeah, it is crazy how bad it can be for employee’s in other states. My wife has been a remote worker since 2010 and her company was bought and sold a few times. The last buyout put the HR and main office in Florida.
oh yeah, it is crazy how bad it can be for employee’s in other states. My wife has been a remote worker since 2010 and her company was bought and sold a few times. The last buyout put the HR and main office in Florida.
A lot of people that poo poo on California also don’t realize just how much they contribute towards the US.
While Im glad Jalopnik supports Steve by posting his video, I would love it if they helped out more and brought him back as a contributing reporter. His articles were always good.
There is a difference between buying a Congress critter and buying 1/7th of a whole branch of government of the most powerful nation on earth with a fucking R/V.
To be fair, in the eyes of Republicans, removing a staunch GOP justice and burning to country to the ground are the exact same thing.
Unless congress impeaches him, the only person who can indict a member of the supreme court is a member of the supreme court. Congress hasn’t impeached a justice for over 200 years, and the entire supreme court hugged out their grumpies after repealing Roe, so um... It’s not ever gonna happen. Sorry.
Yes, but the Senate has to run that prosecution for there to be any real consequences, which means getting Republicans to be willing to do anything about it. The GOP will burn down the nation before they even consider removing a staunch GOP justice.
Given how corrupt Judge Thomas is, where’s the surprise? After all, we’re talking about a POS who refuses to recuse himself from court cases involving the January 6th insurrection and when you consider how his wife was directly involved in the Jan 6th riot, think how ethically deranged you have to be to not do the…
A racist on ketamine wonder how that would turn out?
Elon Cuck does it again.
It can go from 10 to 80 percent charge in 18 minutes with 240-kW fast-charging
Watching that statement in real time on the video really amounts to a man desperately wishing all his toothpaste would get back into it’s tube, while being completely oblivious to how it got there in the first place.
This comment needs all of the stars. The cognitive dissonance alone in alleged physician Sean Hollonbeck should be enough to melt anyone’s brain.
Imagine any kid wanting to get away from THAT loving, rational dad.
Please remember to tip and give your trafficker a 5 star rating if you were pleased with your experience.
“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.
““And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””
Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.
CyberTruck drivers - this doesn’t apply to you. Feel free to traverse streams, floor plains, etc... in your highly advanced vehicle. The rules for a Nissan Versa simply do not apply to you. Also, park anywhere you want. You’ve earned it.
I worked at a place that used college interns. It was weird. In many respects, the college interns were the most productive employees.