
Cool bike. Love the Gulf livery, too.

While this is promising - the story doesn’t quite line up with the the headline, you know?

AUSTRALIA had a looney farmer called Leonard Casley who declared himself Prince Leonard of Hutt after a dispute with his state government over wheat taxes. He proclaimed his property a micronation (75 square kilometres), issued his own currency, and dubbed his wife ‘Her Royal Highness Princess Shirley of Hutt, Dame of

This is my thinking as well. You are just darn sure you are right? cool. But here are your consequences anyway.

Because they have to actually understand the law to a decent degree to practice so they know it’s complete horseshit and a waste of valuable time and effort, and also a client that you know will not pay up isn’t worth the risk.

This is an admirality slideshow, you can tell by the black borders at the top and bottom, therefore it is invalid to be used upon my personage.

Exactly. If there was any validity to this theory then why hasn’t some enterprising lawyer ever used it to their advantage?

The thing that I don’t get about the sovereign citizen / freemen on the land adherents is that even if they’re right - it demonstrably, clearly, does not work. No court has been forced to do anything. No officer has acknowledged their lack of jurisdiction. No government has given them their special hidden money. Do

I wish gov around the globe could just star to respond to these people in the same level of pettiness, and really take them as a foreign individual that just don't want to be in the country of they don't want to follow it's rules 

Promissory notes? Seals? Ribbons? Payment attempts like these sound like the US Government negotiating land purchases from the Iroquois.

LOL yeah it’s essentially a way for asshats to attempt to skirt the law.

I would argue that there are a few real sovereign citizens, but not of the USA: Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, King Mswati III of Eswatini, Sultan Hatham bin Tariq of Oman, King Salman of Saudi Arabia and Pope Francis of Vatican City. These are all absolute monarchs. No citizen of the USA could be considered

This might be the most sociopathic thing I’ve read today, after the lawyer’s quote in the article at least.

Yep we had one come into our shop and try to pay with promissory notes with all sorts of seals and ribbons, he owned a furniture place and we said we would trade for some furniture but nope he wanted cash for that. 

This is pretty much spot on.  Also they have a habit of refusing to sign ANY legal document in anything but red ink, which where I live and maybe other places invalidates the document.

I think they need to exercise their right to leave the country and not come back.

TL;DR? Let me make it simple. “I’m special and the rules don’t apply because I found a term that makes me sound special "

You know, I actually have to give you credit for turning this one into a slideshow. Well played.

The x-axis would be 1 second, the y-axis 1 trillion pain units. And you’re ghoulish.

Buddy of mine once compared the money Exxon had to pay for the Exxon Valdez spill, vs. What Dow Chemical had to pay for the Bhopal disaster, and it turned out that ExxonMobil paid significantly more for each sea bird they killed in the spill than Dow did for each Indian. These companies know what they can get away