ALL OF THIS leads me to wonder whether the original death by police car was an accident or not.
ALL OF THIS leads me to wonder whether the original death by police car was an accident or not.
Same - as an Australian I remember driving from Vegas back to LA once and it started snowing. Luckily I’d done the convertible thing previously so I was in a sedan.
IT LOOKS and behaves like a car designed only for some dated sci-fi TV show. Like Johnny Cab from Total Recall. Or the Solar Car from the TV version of Logan’s Run.
So you call the Ground Floor the First Floor?
THE INTERIOR is terrible, like a Sith Lord’s cockpit. But the exterior looks incredible. Unlike the Tesla Pickup, there’s genuine design gone into the flat planes, and you can see the heritage from the current GT-R.
IT’S FUNNY, when you spend decades hollowing out the middle class and ensuring wages continue lagging behind inflation - you find there are less customers for your wares.
I know you feel my pain
I actually rewatched that movie because of your reference.
YOU’RE RIGHT about soccer and beer festivals.
Budgie smugglers with socks and sandals
THEY WERE originally going to call it the Honda 4Play
JEEZ... the public would be safer with an ED-209 than the cops they currently have to deal with.
TWO THINGS Tesla can do to ensure the Cyber Trucks are profitable:
1. Use them to smuggle industrial quantities of cocaine a-la John Delorean
2. Add a cologne holder to the dash that holds a bottle of Elon’s Musk No.69. ‘30% of the time it starts every time’.
ELECTRIC cars must be a headache for supercar manufacturers. Mass-market brands already have models with insane acceleration, to the point where hundredths of a second differences they might be able to achieve for mega $$$ won’t mean much in street vehicles. Your Lamborghini Lanzador might not be able to…
THE MAJORITY of vehicles being human-controlled. Tesla is in trouble with their self-driving now, but the technology, combined with human laziness and obsession with staring at gadgets, will see driverless vehicles become the majority on the roads eventually. It may even become illegal for people to drive on public…
Since streaming is the new cinema - I would consider including Netflix’s Midnight Mass. At first I thought it was slow, then I thought it was OK, then it got me, and by the end it was inhabiting my head.