
Holden Kingswood Station Wagon
It was so good they even made a TV show called Kingswood Country, and the catchphrase was ‘You’re not taking the Kingswood! I just polished the dipstick.’

ELECTRIC cars must be a headache for supercar manufacturers. Mass-market brands already have models with insane acceleration, to the point where hundredths of a second differences they might be able to achieve for mega $$$ won’t mean much in street vehicles. Your Lamborghini Lanzador might not be able to

Holden and Ford utes were the ultimate aspirational vehicles for young working-class Australians. Workhorse, show pony, weekend jet ski or dirt bike hauler, and performance ride. Now that we’ve stopped making them the tray back 4WDs are taking over.

THE MAJORITY of vehicles being human-controlled. Tesla is in trouble with their self-driving now, but the technology, combined with human laziness and obsession with staring at gadgets, will see driverless vehicles become the majority on the roads eventually. It may even become illegal for people to drive on public

Since streaming is the new cinema - I would consider including Netflix’s Midnight Mass. At first I thought it was slow, then I thought it was OK, then it got me, and by the end it was inhabiting my head.

I’m going to cheat and go with two prototypes.

Do upper-echelon F1 drivers like Ricciardo not get behind the wheel of their prospective vehicle before deciding whether to jump ship? It seems pretty risky to not know what a pile of trouble your car is before putting your career on the line.

Yep - you’re right

HOW LONG before the passive aggressive apology statement where she says, ‘This video does not reflect who I am. I have always believed in tolerance and equality.’

IS APPLE still working on a smart electric car? If so they’ve probably dreamt up some completely different recharging connector system they will stubbornly try to push ahead with. *yes I’m an Apple user who’s sick of their recharging connector bullshit*

RX-7 STORY: First job out of college, I was driving to work on the freeway. I looked down to adjust the radio like a stupid young driver, and ran up the back of a woman and her young daughter. My car made it to the shoulder and died. So to my shame, I had to catch a ride with the woman who’s car I just hit - she

Also said that when they got down there they were completely lost. Couldn’t find the wreck and were just trawling around in the dark.

Just disguise yourself as her, and do yourself. Win/Win

Look, they were clearly unprofessional. But there could be some context around this, especially given the last two sentences of the article. China has been hammering Hong Kong since taking over, and making life oppressive and bleak for people who were told differently. On top of that, if mainland Chinese passengers

I LIVE within a few kilometres of where this happened.
A couple of things to consider:
This is a low socio-economic area with racial and other factors playing a part in problems that affect the community.
• There is a youth crime plague resulting from the above.
A lot of the crime involves car theft, subsequent police

I was working in LA (I’m Australian) and came out of a restaurant late one night to hear ear-splitting screams and ranting coming from a shirtless, homeless guy slumped against a wall across the road.

AS SOMEONE from the outside looking in, it seems to me this all goes back to a schism from the Civil War. The South never forgave the Union for forcibly grafting them back onto the United States. They have self-radicalised conservatism, and increasingly rejected what they perceive as Democratic ideals - regardless of

THIS REMINDS ME of the Gene Hackman film Heist, where they stole gold from an airport by emptying the gold container and just putting it in some other boxes nearby that they’d arranged to be transported in the same cargo shipment. Then they went back and collected their boxes under the noses of the investigating

I was going to fly Virgin, but I heard they don’t go all the way.

MARVEL should use this as an opportunity and reboot Galactus as an arc villain, and do him right. Not that space tornado crap from the Fantastic Four film.