That kid is lucky some school deputy didn’t pull a gun on him because:
a) He had something in his hand
b) He was moving
c) He was acting uppity
d) He black
That kid is lucky some school deputy didn’t pull a gun on him because:
a) He had something in his hand
b) He was moving
c) He was acting uppity
d) He black
Now maybe... and just hear me out here... there might be some racial bias involved here.
Civilization has stripped most of us of our situational awareness, ability to judge risk, and possibly common sense. Nothing much bad happens to most people so the thought that it could doesn’t enter people’s heads.
You mean kneeling in front of a glory hole in a truck stop men’s room to pay for meth, then puking
Really glad they were tracked down and hope they are given the maximum penalty that minors can receive for this. Although they may be able to claim they are not adults, they are already fully-fledged assholes and violent criminals.
Minority Report Pre-Crime Unit
In the criminal justice system, politicians are threatened by two separate but equally important groups: The police, who are supposed to investigate crime, and the President of the United States, who tweets offensively. These are their stories. DUN DUN!
We need to view this in the context of Pence’s lifelong struggle with being homosexual and burying it deep, deep down beneath layers of religious icing.
I wonder if it was the fame that affected them, or the mind-warping, reality-altering, and almost incomprehensible experience of being the first creatures in the 4.5 billion years of life on earth, to set foot on another planetary body than their own.
Sweet Home Alabama
The major assumption that anybody not white is not ‘from here’, not really American, and not in a position to act or comment on the nation. Which must be giving First Nations people a stroke from the irony overload.
Trump’s next tweet: ‘Now come on boys where’s your spirit? I don’t hear no singin’!’
While we’re at it, let’s remake The Princess Bride and have Buttercup and Westley going their separate ways at the end.
I read a Guardian article on why evangelical Christians will continue supporting Trump no matter what he says or does. It’s because they believe that he’s simply a vessel for God to work through. It doesn’t matter how much of a piece of shit he is, as long as they believe God is using him to further their cause then…
The Trump Formula at work:
I have a face for radio
I was an Australian living in LA when the Scorpion King was made. Someone left some casting call flyers at my gym and I took the chance to do some extra work on that film so I could say I had the whole LA experience.
Directors Arnie worked with: John McTiernan; James Cameron; Ivan Reitman; John Milius; Paul Verhoeven
He was also willing to be an ensemble player for quite a while without any ego about it. I remember thinking several times ‘Hey The Rock is in this? And he’s not the main star? Huh.’
Well put. I’ve always been a Godzilla fan but these days they just seem anachronistic, backward-looking and a cash grab based on faded glory.