In their letters, James I states how he wept so profusely at their parting, “that I can scarcely see to write.” But scholars have argued that such sentiments are not atypical of male friendship in the 17th and 18th centuries.
In their letters, James I states how he wept so profusely at their parting, “that I can scarcely see to write.” But scholars have argued that such sentiments are not atypical of male friendship in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Also contemplating what it’s like to have a house in which, to study a painting, you need binoculars and a ladder...
Its ironic that he was bashing them for having an old electrical grid, when its an open secret about how old and susceptible to failure the electrical grid servicing the rest of the US is. I read somewhere that in order to blackout the continental US you would only have to destroy 9 critical substations. You could…
Damn Porto Rico crashing their economy through federal legislation they had no vote on and fought against. If only another piece of federal legislation they also got no vote on hadn’t fucked their ability to respond to debt.
He sounds like a fucking cartoon villain in some middling-quality Saturday morning cartoon. “You don’t deserve to walk on two legs, vermin” is something the evil overlord says to the heroes right before the final battle.
But I’m sure that, before this incident, he would have told you that he considered the confederate flag to be symbol of southern anarchy against the government.
That guy looks really damn familiar. Have I just seen his smug, stupid face in a mugshot, or is he an alt-right personality of some kind? Because I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the latter.
“Wood was the fourth runner up in last night’s event, but number one in America’s heart.”
That’s great that this young lady has the proper view, but ...
Everyone in Texas is outraged!!!....
A blonde woman from Texas... Republicans everywhere must be apoplectic. Well done, Morgana! (awesome name, by the way)
Wow, way to jump down her throat when she clearly stated Jackie O wasn’t a saint and “seemingly”. Do you not know what yhe media image and what JFK meant for America (at the time)?! They were given the title Camelot.
The Kennedy presidency did seem youthful and energetic though, especially compared to the Eisenhower administration that had preceded it. (Little did America know that JFK was probably in rougher shape health-wise than Eisenhower.) Young president, a younger wife, small kids in the White House. When Kennedy was…
I made the same comment before I saw yours. Jackie also would never have put her shoes on the furniture.
Rest yourself.
And her hair was clearly done by someone who knows nothing of how to do a proper bouffant.
Those gloves are opera length, for evening wear. Jackie would have worn short white gloves with that dress.
Why do we have to render everything in this country meaningless?