Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?
Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?
Yeah? Feminists blame the beautiful, needy, aggressive young women for their affairs?
reading the comments on various sites and i see that a lot of male feminists are upset about this. they seem very defensive of joss and attacking kai.
I think the problem up here is that the general population is so firmly entrenched in their false beliefs about what it means to be Canadian. We’re POLITE and NICE! And if most folks can’t believe a person would be so crass as to bud in line at the grocery store, how on earth could they wrap their heads around someone…
They want to pretend it isn’t real; that this is just a way to feel good about themselves. Like the people who brought picnic lunches to watch Civil War battles.
“I also think we should examine why, though. Otherwise, we’re just knocking down something for badness without learning ourselves from it”
Yeah, I think Megan was being pretty generous by calling this bit “vexxing.” I found it an unnecessary, unhelpful, unfunny, insulting load of shit.
Yeah, I think that’s a good analysis. Fey is definitely not committed enough to anything politically even though she wades into political commentary.
Exactly. Someone can make 100 different jokes about the ways Klan members display their stupidity, but the underlying nut of truth that holds the whole premise together is that they think Klan members are stupid. Fey can give 100 different jokey ways to spend your time while a rally is going on, but the bottom line is…
I made a comment when the post first went live that’s forever lost in the greys now I suspect. I referred to the way Fey essentially neutered her devastating satire of Sarah Palin by appearing next to her on SNL, and basically letting Palin in on the joke. Cowardly “both sides” bullshit, like her buddy Jimmy Fallon…
Exactly. It’s not about changing minds (though that’s important, a rally/march is neither the time nor the place), it’s about countering an immediate threat.
I get that the rest of it was jokes (eating a cake instead of protesting, etc.) but the “ignore them” part...? That was her true intent, no?
I mean we’ve been ignoring white supremacists and militia groups for 30 years and they haven’t gotten a reaction until this weekend.
Not attacking you, but I’ve heard this excuse too many times from liberal white people. A comedian does or says something racist/stupid/ill advised and defenders come out of the woordwork talking about “he/she wasn’t advocating for people like that he/she was making fun of them” when in reality, they weren’t. That’s…
Yes, exactly. These racists need to be challenged by the actual physical presence of people that loudly oppose their degenerate views. Saying we can just ignore Nazis, even in the form of a joke, is ridiculous and stupid. Inaction gives them more power. Inaction allows them to wrongly think that a larger portion of…
This assumes her audience understands that kind of subtlety. Most (white) people think it’s “brilliant”, and not because it’s shaming people for their head in the sand (cake) inertia.
I took it fairly literally. She thinks the best thing to do is let them have their say, but don’t pay attention to them while they do it. I just happen to think that’s a fallacy because everything they do is designed to incite a reaction and it will always be successful at some level.
Yelling slogans at people is a bad way to change their minds. But showing up at neo-Nazi rallies is not about changing the minds of neo-Nazis, it’s about showing them that this is not their country, and that people are willing to stand up to them. I don’t think anyone who’s encountered a member of the far right (on…
Tucker, honey, do you have any idea how much white Americans shit and pee in public? Cause it’s a lot. Especially when drunk.
“Where’s Charles Bronson when you need him?”