
No. But my best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this guy who’s going with the girl who was a friend of his and he said that Dan was no Jack Kennedy. And, also that he passed out at 31 Flavors.

Who is Dan Quayle? Not Jack Kennedy, from what I’ve heard.

Attention whore whoring for attention by being a douche herself. Hmmmm. So, what made this notable?

The BBC’s pro-regime bias is a bit irritating, sorry. It’s perhaps subtle enough for most people not to notice, but at times it’s pretty plain to Syrians and informed people who love Syria. A recent example:

Westerners are the invaders, so you go GTFO.

It must not be my cup of tea then. Mocking a person doesn’t take much wit. Her comedy will always seem cheap to me. Maybe it’s because she always sounds like she’s about to say “oh yeah, I went THERE.” Yawn. Give me Tig Notaro or Maria Bamford any day.

She makes me uncomfortable and not in a fun way.

Even if one considers this Twitter account fake, how could anyone seriously believe the crimes that Assad, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah have committed against the Syrian people is nothing more than propaganda? This has been a common theme on Twitter, claiming the White Helmets are the propaganda arm of al-Qaeda, that

No, fuck Assasd for using barrel bombs and poison gas on civilians.

Get your racist ass out of here.

People’s attacks on this girl—up to and including people tweeting her to say they can’t wait for her to die—have been fucking disgusting.

Thanks. I for some reason insist on butting my head against this particular wall multiple times a day pretty much every day. I’m long past sick of idiots like that one making proclamations about Syria, a country they know jackshit about, and giving less than a single fart about what Syrians actually say, want, or

Thanks for pointing that out. After further consideration, we shouldn’t give a damn about this Syrian girl, in view of the conduct of a Somali Muslim in Ohio.

You’re so fucking stupid. Good ol’ secular Assad, who is propped up by the mullahs of Iran and defended by Hezbollah and other jihadist groups, whose Grand Mufti threatens the West with suicide bombers and issues fatwas directing military actions, who’s ordered terrorist attacks in other countries, whose intelligence

Same. I have no real attachment to either John Hamm or Leo if I’m being honest, but I’m struggling very hard to see any of her appeal.

Yep. Your experiences, alone, totally invalidated her twitters, any girl’s thoughts in war time and retroactively Anne Frank’s diary. /S.

Does Kathy think these stories make her sound good? She just sounds like a fucking asshole, over and over.

No. If anything, it suggests the mother doesn’t have faith in the world to give a damn—and if that’s the case, I’d say her skepticism would be warranted. The fact that you feel comfortable lecturing her on her priorities seems pretty much indicative of that, no?

If it was some western mother sending tweets from her child’s perspective about waiting for Santa Clause or something else banal no one would bat an eye, but because people don’t want to comprehend the suffering this child is going through they’ll try and find any reason to dismiss the source.

Salaam, little one. We should have protected you. I’m sorry we let you down.