Back when I was a cute li'l co-ed — cardigan buttoned up to the neck and ponytail a-flippin' — I signed up for an…
Back when I was a cute li'l co-ed — cardigan buttoned up to the neck and ponytail a-flippin' — I signed up for an…
I agree. And even if their entire marriage were a very convenient sham, it still wouldn't be as ugly as the sight of people speculating so gleefully about the probability of a marriage failing. It's like those people muttering about how they "give the whole thing two years" at someone's damn wedding reception.
Well, then you know a crappy group of Christians. And it's a fairly limited sample. So I wouldn't make sweeping generalization. Everyone would be all over someone who said that they volunteer at a shelter and all the people who volunteer there are Christian or Jewish, so it's clearly only religious people who care…
And how do you know they don't do those things? You know what some of it is really about who gets the media attention. For instance, every time they want the "Christian" point of view they interview Tony Perkins or some such nutjob. I know plenty of Christians who spend significant time organizing around and…
Alright already, I remember his name, but Xena was still much more memorable. I remember Iaolus looked like a surfer, was acrobatic, fun loving and always going off half cocked and getting knocked out. You really can't compare his character arc to Gabrielle's, who went from geeky cleric to sexy warrior over the course…
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS RACISM AGAINST ATHEISTS. Or racism against any religion. Religion =/= race. What do you even mean?!
Whereas we should take your word as a neon flashing bigot, illuminating the night with your ignorance and racism. Say, you don't have an opinion on Israel do you? I bet it's not extreme or insane sounding either. So, tell us YOUR enlightened world view, BigFloppyDonkeyDong. Does it involve, I dunno, white people?
I wanted to say something longer or more emphatic. When the in-laws (or, God forbid, my parents) say something about how he won't "let" me do something, I feel the overwhelming need to show everyone that, if I can conceive, carry, and deliver a baby ... allowing him to participate in naming it is a courtesy I'm…
I remember reading a book set in a matriarchal society where one character commented to a foreigner, "We trace lineage through the mother's side. One can never be certain who the father is." It was a throw-away line, but it's stuck with me for decades.
That being said, I kept my name when I got married because I'm…
That's actually an interesting and important piece of context — I've never heard of the place, am not familiar with their branding or campaigns. Helps take a bit of the "WTF were you thinking" aspect out of it, if this is the basic wording they use for most procedures/ads.
Okay, just in case you're not a troll.
Cue to some nutcases on my FB feed who are suspecting a conspiracy BECAUSE there were 108 prominent aids researchers on board. Like, aids equals gays equals Putin hates the gays equals he wants to kill the gays equals he must have shot this plane from the sky because evil.
Actually, it is literally like dealing with a bunch of crazy men.
If I had a dollar for every hipster-misogynist pseudodudebro I've gone out with who swears by Bill Maher, I'd be able to pay off my student loan debts.
Agreed. I am always shocked that many of liberal friends not only give him a pass but celebrate his work. I can get antagonistic and combative at moments but he is hurtful, hateful mouthpiece that is fundamentally no different than any other shock jock. We all cross lines occasionally but he seems to do so…
It sucks when someone you agree with on many issues makes idiotic comments. Unfortunately he's too smug to see his deficiencies so I'll save my admiration for the likes of Stewart, Colbert, and Oliver...the kind of guys Bill probably wishes he was.
Ugh, I cannot stand him, and I didn't even know about half the awful things people are saying about him here! The main thing that gets me about him is that he is FUCKING ANTI-VAXXER but constantly talks about how Republicans are stupid for not believing in science with regard to global warming. Plus he is one of…