Hey remember when Bill Maher did a whole movie about religious intolerance
Hey remember when Bill Maher did a whole movie about religious intolerance
Bill Maher has always been full of sexist bullshit. He's awful and not funny and wishes he were Jon Stewart but is very not.
As an atheist I am always blown away by men in this camp who are just completely incapable of showing me a modicum of respect when I speak about it. Even if I repeat the exact same thing they just said, verbatim, it's "flawed" or some other such nonsense because of tits. Ugh.
they are loaded with sexist bullshit for some reason.
Word. I was raised by a single parent and was a latchkey kid. I wandered all over my city in the summer from the age of 9...rode the bus, went to malls, went to movies, visited friends, went to the library...generally kept myself busy. I was expected to check in once a day, be home when my Dad got off work and not do…
Judging by this story, all of our mothers would be arrested if you grew up in the 60's and 70's.
Yeah, age 10, riding bicycle, with no helmet, alone, 5 miles away in 110 degree Texas summer heat, with no water (just $1.50 in change in pocket in case I wanted a soda) to get to lakeside park trails where I could ride even further along the trails deep in the forest, away from all witnesses.
I just bought a white coat for starting med school (Yeah!) and my sister went with me to buy it. It's awesome. We played "Say Yes to the White Coat".
My paleontology gear was not form fitting either. And while I have a fabulous ammonite in silver as a pin, it was not worn in the lab or in the field. Dress-up occasions only.
He is probably basing this on the fact that when he goes out to bars and tries to talk to women about science, they don't seem interested
She's kidding. We know her well enough to know that.
Among the greatest damage done to the two state solution (which is actually totally fucking possible, folks)...
Aw, shit. I must have gotten one of those MAN lab coats. *facepalm* duh!
My lab coat is not form-fitting. Like, at all.
Thanks for IMMEDIATELY proving how intellectually bankrupt your piss-poor argument is, Cletus. When in doubt, cover your ears and scream antisemitism, right?
But with the Jewish history including the Holocaust they should be the first ones who find it abhorant. Sadly to these young folk genocide is what they embrace. "Never forget" does not mean "lets do it again". Yes Israel needs to stand up for itself but it should do it justly not rip a page from Hitler's playbook as…
You're right! Stalin didn't take any time out of his busy schedule of murdering people to post sexy selfies to the internet.
Of course, you can also teach your children respect for others by modelling that behavior—including in how you behave toward them. Children treated with empathy are better at developing empathy. Children who are controlled to the nth degree and never permitted choices learn that family life is about power struggle.
Not to be too off-topic, but I'm semi-surprised that I've never seen Jezebel address how the FoxNews show Outnumbered uses the hashtag #Oneluckyguy to refer to the one man they rotate through that show. It's so clearly referring to the notion that he's so "lucky" to be surrounded by hot chicks and maybe, just maybe,…
However Fox News still refuses to release the number of anchors who have sold their souls to the devil.