My flag is of a parent throwing money at child while looking at an iPhone. It's the most accurate of flags.
My flag is of a parent throwing money at child while looking at an iPhone. It's the most accurate of flags.
But do you have a flag?
Unsurprisingly, there's an actual reason Bir Tawil's status is strange. Egypt borders Sudan, but they disagree with each other as to where the border is. Egypt asserts an 1899 version is correct, which gives Egypt the valuable Hala'ib Triangle while leaving the far less valuable Bir Tawil to Sudan. Sudan asserts a…
Yes, that's all Africa needs is another white man taking his burden to show them how to farm. Because Egyptians and the Sudanese never discovered anything about agriculture before white people came along. Viva la mission civilisatrice!
"If we can turn North Sudan into an agricultural hub for the area ... a lot of technology has gone into agriculture and water," he said. "These are the things (the kids) are concerned with."
I asked for proof you give me a tautology. EVERY institution in the West is a patriarchal one. This one is a Christian one, meaning Biblical teachings, e.g. "be fruitful and multiply" are adhered to. So no stumping for contraception let alone abortion from the pulpit. But NO religion is for abortion or the…
Please show how the Church of England hates women.
I am still appalled at the notion that there are people out there who take off their underwear when trying on bathing suits.
Grapples aren't really a cross between a grape and an apple. It's a weird marketing scam where they put fake grape flavoring on (and in?) an apple. So it's like an apple mixed with Bubblicious Grape.
Crying at my desk. Thanks a lot!
The Little Boy and the Old Man by Shel Silverstein
I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.
Completely fair. I stand corrected and retract my anachronism statement.
Speaking as a professional software engineer, the biggest skill isn't any one specific language, but the ability to pick up new languages easily and program well in any of them. If you want to learn a language for your own reasons, sure, go for it, but I wouldn't specifically go out and learn a language just because…