
‘I am also on the Genghis Khan diet, which is recommended for young lotharios and involves eating sweet potato, sunflower seeds and horny goat weed.”

Can someone explain the appeal of that magenta coloured eyeshadow that Lena Dunham is wearing? My first thought on seeing someone with that colour around their eye is that they have a horrible infection.

I feel the need to point out that the epilogue of the book makes it clear that the big problem with Gileadian fertility wasn’t with barren wives, but with low sperm count caused by environmental pollution.

I saw an ad for it the other night on CTV.

Years ago I was teaching out in a portable. We had a lock down drill about a week before Halloween. Then on Halloween, our VP, who was dressed as the Big Bad Wolf, decided to scare the classes out in the portables by coming in unexpectedly through our, usually locked, back doors.

That sounds like it would get expensive, fast.

Actually, Ivanka posted a picture of her kids’ lemonade stand to instagram.

Rumour has it that he gave Tiffany and Marla $200 to collectively spend on preping for the inauguration.

“Arabella, to her credit, has purportedly been studying Mandarin since she was 18 months old. “

Of course the NRA museum has a gun range...

Why was a gun in a museum loaded?

Yeah, I haven’t seen the data, but like anything, I imagine penis size for goes on a bell curve for each race.

There’s Studies on it, I think. I remember hearing racist professor Phillipe Rushton go on about it on TV in the 80's.

Hosting the Chinese delegation in Florida was planned before the decided to ineffectually bomb an airbase in Syria..

The Russians say 6 planes in hangers were destroyed. They also say that only 23 out of 59 missiles hit the target.

The US had an information sharing agreement with Russia over Syria, with the two sides providing information about air strikes, to avoid incidents between Russian and Americans planes. Presumably informing Russia was in the spirit of that agreement.

Agree completely. The NYT just ran an article tonight stating that the CIA concluded the Russians were colluding with Trump months earlier than had been reported.

And Putin may even have given his blessing. Maybe Putin wants to trade Assad in for a new useful idiot?

Or Putin is willing to sell Assad downriver to support the bigger prize?