I know you don’t have to wear a dress. I wore a two piece outfit to my wedding. (Though it didn’t have pants.)
I know you don’t have to wear a dress. I wore a two piece outfit to my wedding. (Though it didn’t have pants.)
I don’t really follow her, I thought she was on marriage number 2?
I suspect she cuts and pastes.
Isn’t the one on the right in some sort of pantsuit? It’s kinda killing the look for me.
I don’t think they have raccoons in Scotland.
I’m surprised he hasn’t started yet. Beginning to wonder if Ivanka “accidentally” took it with her when she went home to observe Shabbat.
He pursued Diana, Princess of Wales hard shortly after her divorced and creeped her out. Is that what you are thinking of maybe?
And somebody needs to be around in case Bannon tries to get Trump to sign a stack of things. Jared can’t always be there.
I wonder if this is part of a wider strategy on the part of th day Kushners to limit Bannon’s influence? I can’t imagine they like him much and vice-versa.
Crossing guards have more authority than waitstaff.
The dog is thinking “What the hell was she thinking with that blouse? Those sleeves will end up trailing in everything.”
A similar story is unfolding around how Alpine Canada dealt with a coach who goes on trial for sexually abusing underage skiers on Monday.
Depend on the context as the word has more than one meaning. In this case I believe it rhymes with enough.
“Here’s a gross question for you. (Sorry.) Any suggestions on how to clean discharge off one’s undergarments? Not menstrual blood, but the white-ish, goopy stuff one gets toward the middle of the month”.
Josh Duggar was homeschooled. His classmates were his siblings. Again, not defending him, but his family had very strict rules around not being out of the house alone. He did touch a babysitter when the opportunity presented itself, but mostly the only girls he had the opportunity to touch were his sisters.
Not that I am defending Josh Duggar, but a teenaged boy touching girls doesn’t mean that as an adult he is going to be a pedophile. Horny teenage boy taught unhealthy views of sexuality, engaged in a crime of opportunity. It was horrible, and he is horrible, but it doesn’t make him a pedophile.
She’s been taught to submit to her husband, no matter her own feelings at the time.
The idea that your skin expels impurities is a myth.
Might I suggest that folks here might benefit from reading The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History by Katherine Ashenburg? Much of what we think of as “proper” cleanliness is in fact the result of marketers making us feel ashamed of our bodies.
You do realize that you are supposed to have bacteria living on your skin, right?