
Concerta is very different from Ritalin XR.

Thanks for the update.

My FiL is an Islamophobe who views Jan Sobeiski’s victory in Vienna as this great victory of western civilization over Islam.

My FiL is Polish and idolizes Jan Sobieski, which is how I know that.

Fun fact: Leelee Sobieski is a direct descendant of King Jan Sobieski of Poland, saviour of Vienna.

The name Ritalin gets thrown around a lot, but it isn’t used as much as it used to be. The Canadian ADD Resource Alliance (CADDRA, a group for medical professionals that treat ADHD) considers Ritalin a second line treatment because it is so short acting. There is an extended release version, but it didn’t live up to

There are four types of meds approved for use in Canada: amphetamine based and methylphenidate based psychostimulants, non stimulant norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and Anenergic receptor agonists.

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Anybody know how things are going in Australia since their Army Chief released this statement?

I have ADHD and an LD. I specifically asked the Psychologist who diagnosed me about NVLD, but I didn’t quite meet the criteria..

Actually, aspirin is more toxic than ADHD meds.

Technically speaking, at least in Canada where I am, ADHD medications are only approved for use in children. Adult use is an off label use of the meds.

He needs more than his dedicated supporters to win the general election, though.

Stimulant medication has been used to treat what we now call ADHD since the 1930's. Classes of medication don't remain in use that long unless they are safe and effective.

I was diagnosed in my thirties.

Rene had cancer and the treatment rendered him infertile. Presumably that is what it was about.

I think they might have trouble getting something like that insured.

I love their body oil. Had never heard of them until recently. Saw it in the grocery store and bought it in desperation, when my eczema was out of control. Slathered it on, and my skin felt normal for the first time in months.

There are people who are opposed to abortion and the death penalty (and nuclear proliferation, and unjust economic systems). See Completely Pro Life by Ron Sider, for example..

I guess you missed the horrible story of Alberta toddler, Ezekiel Stephan, whose anti-vax, anti conventional medicine parents were recently convicted of failing to provide the necessities of life after he died of bacterial meningitis. He was sick for two weeks, and his little body got so stiff he couldn’t sit in a car

Someone who is after his money, and doesn’t know Sharon controls his finances?