
Someone who is after his money?

I tell my kindergarten students that they have to ask before they hug someone, and emphasize that they have the right to say no if they don't want one.

Pedophiles are going to be attracted to institutions where they can have authority over children.

I don’t like Paul Ryan but...

Dunno. Might be common in South Africa?

I once knew a Afrikaans-speaking kid whose name was Reinhardt.

I think it’s a Dutch first name?

This guy kinda reminds me of my FiL. He once angrily announced that he was never going back to the car dealership for service on his car, because they had the Toronto Star in the waiting area. In his mind, this meant that they did not want business from supporters of the Consevative Party.

The Trinity predates the great Schism between Eastern and Western Christianity. The denominations that reject it are very much in the minority.

1) I know they were joking, bro.

You do not recall correctly. The Trinity is accepted by most Christian denominations.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Yeah, apparently this guy only read as far as the part where the Pharisee and the priest left the injured man on the road.

I’m a Mennonite, so there’s nothing remotely papist about what I said.

God the Father, and Jesus are equal persons in the Godhead, along with the Holy Spirit. It’s how the Trinity works, man.

So Jesus hung out with tax collectors, lepers and prostitutes, but doesn’t want this guy to help a woman with a Berrnie Sanders bumper sticker?

From what I can gather, she’s a jewelry designer now, or something?

Wow. They didn't even name her on the cover.

Sadly, there have been two fatalities on the road.

And they worry about fetal pain selectively. Pain from being aborted = bad. Pain from slowly being miscarried for days because the mother can’t get an abortion once it is obvious she is miscarrying, = perfectly fine.