I believe he said once that he’d pay for his kids, but it was the mother’s job to look after them, so I am not sure how much parenting he actually did.
I believe he said once that he’d pay for his kids, but it was the mother’s job to look after them, so I am not sure how much parenting he actually did.
Silent majority was a term that originally referred to the dead.
They didn’t say. Just that ISIS was involved in a conspiracy to vaccinate children.
Given that they were celebrating Easter in Pakistan, it’s pretty obvious they were either Christian or very secularized and Westernized.
That article is 11 days old. Are you saying the laws have been changed in that time?
That article is from 11 days ago, and says that the changes still had to go through parliament to be approved. Have they already gone through, or are they still in the process of making the changes?
It’s also a problem when people paint a region with a wide brush assume that rights for women in them are all thensame.
That’s not Trump. The hands are too big.
Yup. I actually saw a post on Facebook today that contained. Screen cap from an anti-vax group that claimed there was a link between pro vaccination groups and frigging ISIS.
There was a kid in my class in school who had anti-vax parents when I was in grade 4 and I am in my forties. I don’t know why they were opposed. Fairly certain it had nothing to do with autism.
I just saw a batcrap post on Facebook where someone was claiming that De Niro was threatened into pulling this movie, that also claimed that there are links between ISIS and vaccination.
Actually, pharmecutical companies don't make a lot of money off vaccines.
He has another trial coming up for sexual assault on another woman.
He still has another sexual assault trial coming up.
I am well aware of that. Even the Judge in his decision noted that the verdict didn’t mean that it didn’t happen, it was just that he couldn’t convict because the witnesses had scuttled their own credibility, by withholding information from the Crown.
A lot of people seem to be blaming the Crown here, without having seen the Judge’s decision.
Actually, the case wasn’t “he said, she said” because the Defense had files containing all the Corrrespondence between Ghomeshi and his victims to use to poke holes in their statements. The defence wasn't replying on memory like the Crown was.
Except Ghomeshi had files on all his accusers with all their correspondence. All of the women denied having contact with Ghomeshi after the assaults took place, only to have that shown to be untrue.