
All of Ghomeshi’s accusers had independent legal counsel though.

Ghomeshi didn’t take the stand because he didn’t have to. I have read elsewhere that he keeps files with all the corespondence he has with women. The defence was able to attack the witnesses with their own words, and the timeline created by emails, texts and letters he had.

The Judge believed that the women withheld the information from the Crown. The women all claimed to have had no contact with him after the assault, which was untrue.

Have you seen the judge’s decision? I would be curious to hear a trial attorney’s take on it. He accused one witness #3 of “playing chicken with the justice system” and accused them all of being untruthful with police and the Crown.

Next he’ll be taking a play from the Vietnam War playbook: We had to bomb that neighbourhood in order to save it.”

Did none of those people stop and think that maybe great parents don't air their dirty laundry on Facebook?

There were different styles of bustle depending on the era.

It’s named after the microbiologist who,discovered it, Elizabeth King.

Because a daughter couldn't do that?

I feel like anyone who works directly for Trump for any great length of time must have Stockholm syndrome.

You have a very sad point.

Enchanted forest party? Am I missing something? Because I think that would just lead me to show up wearing my fairy wings...

Ugh, this reminds me of how awful some people were to one of the Obama girls when she had her hair in braids.

Anybody else find it slightly uncomfortable that the 32 year old Cavill is dating a 19 year old?

Sadly, the actor died a number of years back.

Buffy Musical was better.

Actually, it was Xena who was killing the gods. The god of Eli gave her the power to kill them, in order to protect her daughter, Eve, who was the god’s messenger.

In Miracle Day other characters called him gay, and Jack never corrected them.

Kind of like how when Torchwood came to Starz, suddenly Jack was gay rather than omnisexual?

And she had a son with some guy from her past.