
But how is this not new and relevant? All the points you are making in how you should make an old game relevant today could very well already be happening. Games like Panzer Dragoon and Sin and Punishment are modern shooters and this game seems to be following that well proved out formula. Plus these are just

I think it sounds great, it is a glorified version of "Tag" and it is about time someone besides San Francisco Rush did it!

@DoctorBrain: Agreed, but I haven't played Deus Ex so I can't compare that one. But I think without a really quality bar of presentation, which you can lack while still having good graphics, a game will always fall short of greatness.

@Agent55: for me Socom was a HUGE MP game for me, and later Battlefield 2 on the Xbox was a huge hit for me. Loved R6V back in the day, and to me the pacing and "twitch" of COD4 best matched that kind of feel. I don't like WW2 weapons, don't understand them, and always gravitate to the modern stuff.

@DoctorBrain: I think you have a good point. And I think the "OMFGSOAWESOME" elements definitely put it over the top, but I would argue the statement "it sold because" of those gimmicks. Those gimmicks don't sell games if they aren't built on a solid foundation. I personally think the game is a really solid game,

@Frazzlet: I think the menace comes from it being another developer making it (read my reply to bloodvyper). The accuracy isn't hard to come by, especially when other games have started using what are now "staples" of modern shooters. Also the use of "boring" I think might be one of the handful of lame blows. I

@Bloodvyper: Ha. Touche! But mind you, this isn't a comedian taking a dig at someone in light jest, it's a competitor, and arguably trying to knock the competition down a peg to make themselves seem better.

@sgtteddybear: Arguably it doesn't work for first person either. :) But other 3rd person games have done it; Mario rpgs, Zelda, Crackdown, to name a few.

I like the notion that money makes special effects. I picture a special effects machine like an ATM. You put a deposit in, and effects come out.

@Gambit09: Ditto. Glad I'm not the only one.

@Turkey45: Well I wanted to play TF2 but I don't have a PC to play games on, and the Orange Box version for 360 was choppy when it was out. I think the other reason i like COD is that it is kind of a "semi-class" shooter. It isn't as simple as pre-Reach Halo games where everyone is on an equal field with weapons

Yeah I would say this is a bit mean spirited. I guess it's fair to attack a normal shooter for being "boring" when you fire a gun when your game is trying to do something new with that formula.

I wonder how Uncharted would be if it followed this model?

@MrPerson: I think this is why I hated Super Paper Mario. Because instead of giving him a sentence to say he made a sound effect (bippity bippity woo!) and the NPC said "That's right Mario, we need to head North!" or some crap like that. And people were making the "immersion" claim on that one with me. He's

@Agent55: My wife and I, both big fans of COD4 and MW2, were talking about this the other night after trying the Crysis 2 demo. There is of course the surface level stuff, explosions, graphics, badass-ness, which people usually think are the reasons they like the game because they are easy to identify. But I think

Back in the days of Perfect Dark and Goldeneye my friends would get mad when I peeked over at their screen. I once thought there was no way around it, but after a while I was able to develop a kind of tunnel vision where I really could focus only on my sector.

@Zhejan: my friends always called it Screen Watching

"If a video game developer designs its games according to the whims of the squeaky wheels, then it deserves to have its creativity stunted, because true innovation takes guts."

Well when you consider that the original Socom was really just Sony capitalizing on the success and formula of Counter Strike, but delivering it to people who did not play games on their PC, is it any surprise that Zipper is pulling from the popular game pool again? Don'g et me wrong, I played the shit out of Socom

@beginattackrun: Like I said to Hideo, this is a quick video where one of the things that makes her child HAPPY has been taken away from him. At 11 years old she has dealt with his autism for a long time, and in that time can come to know his likes and dislikes, as well as outlets for his disability. I think it is