
"Suffer" is a ridiculous term to use in describing Red Dead Redemption, because it is like saying that it suffers from variety. While I agree that the mechanic of the duel system could be explained better or be polished more, I don't think the problem is in how the mechanic varies a bit from the mechanic of the main

@Ash Paulsen: agreed. i got bored around the same point.

As long as people speak to Link, and he doesn't speak back it should be fine. But none of this cheating, like Paper Mario where a word bubble displays "..." and Mario says "a hibby ba bibby" making it SEEM like he isn't talking. Then the character he is talking to responds with "That's correct, Mario, jumping is a

On Xbox Live, I can't type in "fab" like "the fab five", and i think "muffin"

I come back to the "week in comments" by Sansatori for "your mileage may vary"

@theotherwhitegirl: " Lots of people spend quality time researching the right school for them. She should have caught this early on. "

@UrdnotWrex: Well in that case go back and read my first statement: "When I was a kid I knew what the Jaws theme meant even though I never saw the movie. I knew who Freddy Kreuger was and what movie he was in, but I have not to this day seen any of the films. No parenting fail there"

@kemicon: its probably because while mimicking the style of 8bit, they have no real restrictions to work from so they can use a few more colors if they feel like it (ie, you are seeing more than 16 colors on the screen at a time). But the forms and layout are very 8bit

@UrdnotWrex: Not wanting your child exposed to violence or language, I am all for that (in fact in any game I make that has swearing I plan to have an option to turn swearing off. simple programming flag.)

@Hanchen Lu: Paul Robertson also did pixel animation for WayForward.

FINALLY something in pink that doesn't have that goddamn ribbon on it. Some of us like the color pink and don't need a cause attached every time. Some mutual exclusivity please!

@UrdnotWrex: When I was a kid I knew what the Jaws theme meant even though I never saw the movie. I knew who Freddy Kreuger was and what movie he was in, but I have not to this day seen any of the films. No parenting fail there.

@Silverhold probably shouldn't have: Yamauchi and I were shooting the shit earlier this weekend at a gangbang. Once that guy gets some angel dust in his system he won't shut up about production schedules.

Luke I gotta totally agree with your passion for this. But in this particular instance, it might only be a skin in a multiplayer match. There may not be any single player campaign where you fight as an agent for the Taliban with a backstory something like "After his family was massacred and his hometown leveled,

Someone once told me that most wilhelm screams heard today are recreations by a soundalike. Can anyone verify this?

At this point they are bug fixing. Nothing new is being added, nothing is being tweaked for preference. All the content is in. They are bug fixing.

@FrankieViturello: I am glad you pointed out the title. I hadn't noticed that myself. As someone who has had to recreate art (master copy) for a few classes, you often use the terminoligy "I did a painting OF the..."

@PsykoGamer: I take my douchey comment back. He called it "the MK painting." If it wasn't for that, I probably wouldn't care, but it is obvious he is trying to trick people