Now playing

A lot of people are comparing the work of this game to a lot of animation of the past 10 years, which I think is hilarious because Michel Gagne has been animating since the late 80's, and his effects animation is a source of inspiration for countless animators from the mid to late 90's and on.

To be fair, isn't the Wii SD card also extremely expensive? Also made by SanDisk. I think any anger should be directed at SanDisk, at least in part if not in full.

@Stymie99: Or have one person fly a plane while I stunt jump on it and snipe from the roof! Oh man!

Does this come with my Arby's kids meal?

The game is good without multiplayer support. But the whole time I am playing I am wishing I could play with a friend at the same time.

Oh look at the cute little popularity contest in the bottom right corner!

@gold163 (° д° ): Exactly. You raise the questions that I was trying to raise. I'm not someone that uses cheats on multiplayer, and agree with you. But the vagueness of the cheating term in the Microsoft description could have you believe that playing as subversive as Mr. Totilo wants to will get you banned. It

A good developer will allow you to do the opposite. Even if you think it is going against what they want you to do, a lot of developers will actually prevent you from doing stuff or punish you.

Thanks be to Mit for showing this off in the mario sushi page. [kotaku.com]

@IncD: Well the lid seemed flimsy, and it was definitely heavy, but there wasn'y much else to notice. The graphics looked great and they were bigger than on my DS Lite. Really the only comparison I had.

@srx5171: The 10 commandments are created during the exodus, right? So they come up along the way.

Old Testament? It's the Torah! Oi vey.

If you look at her wrists, ankles, and knees (which you cant see all of on every photo) there isn't a drastic difference. She is incredibly skinny, looks like she always has been. Some people are built this way. And when they contorts her body a certain way, the skin across her chest does some freaky things. She

I played Castlevania on the XL and the graphics looked great. It didn't feel like there was any blurring at all. It really did look great.

@Cla: I'm sure someone brought it up. But I have worked lots of places where I bring things up and often it is one person who doesn't feel it is a priority, and they can trump multiple people at the company, and eventually thousands of customers.

@Akumanoko: Kids are definitely shaped by all those things, as are a lot of adults who feel that same entitlement. You and I are on the same page there.

@Akumanoko: I wonder how much boycotting is from a SENSE of entitlement versus real entitlement based on past promises.

From the article: "They have loyalty, Hertling says, but he thinks the most important thing about this generation is that they want to change the world. "They want to contribute to something that's bigger than themselves."

I think connecting those dots and coming straight to video games is a slight stretch. Having a combination of internet, cable/satellite, games, and the lack of necessity for manual labor throughout many of our lives have more of an impact as a whole on our physical softness.

@Yokai: You know what, I went back and read your original statement and caught something I didn't catch the first time. So basically we are saying the same thing.