
@b-radicate: Another example of how games have changed since the release of PD. Holding to prone, and pressing to cycle to crouch.

@FyreWulff: "doing it wrong" is right. I was trying to play the PD demo like I play the current games. And I am not saying they are doing anything wrong by not doing it this way, don't get me wrong I loved PD to death 10 years ago, but it is more of a pipe dream to be able to play the way I am talking about. Does

This one is directed at you senselocke:

OMG #5 I am in love!

@invaderflak: Oh I forgot about that. It is a pretty good mechanic.

@MoaM: I haven't played a PC FPS in about 5 years, and even then i was barely playing. But I don't think they are too many complaints, just a couple minor things really.

@Yokai: I don't partake in the blanket ideal that "a great game is a great game forever." While I loved Perfect Dark 10 years go, it was great by comparison to its competition.

@SnakeCL: I HATE the mario 64 camera. They really nailed it with Sunshine though.

@relic1980: Go back in time and hook it up to your 19 inch CRT. ;) It could be the difference.

I tried the demo and was taken back. I loved PD, but I am pensive about getting this. I feel like I won't play it enough to get my moneys worth.

@VonDante: In fairness, Halo was one of the first dual analog FPS games and, yes, southpaw was in there. And I have been playing games since 83.

@Cla: There are also a number of people who can not play without Legacy ( I think that is what it is callled.) I personally play with an inverted Y axis (all those d-pad flight simulators.) I personally couldn't play Halo when it came out because I was so used to Perfect Dark, but eventually I got Socom and buckled

@ZamirPoe: I agree in supporting pixel art in games, but you should know that the art in BlazBlue is not more limited than the art of a sprite game. The one true advantage of a sprite based game is that it uses a color palette. It is a memory saving feature and allows for the quick swapping of colors for

@CCAF drlard: Why did someone promote this comment?

@bozack: Could you also think of how much you miss Ken Ober?

I'm sure the developers are cringing at how bad you are playing the game. Always makes the game look harder or worse than it actually is when there is video of someone playing for the first time. No offense intended Crecente, I'm sure you'll get better as you play (or I would do as bad on my first try).

Earlier this week I was walking back from the store. I had gotten $5 in change and put it in my front, right pocket. When I got near my house, I heard a skateboarder coming up from behind me, so I moved to the left side of the sidewalk so they could easily get by. And right when he got to me he said "Hey man, you

You gotta keep posting the image with the "X" over the faces of the people eliminated.