@Spiffyness: More than anything I am placing a bet. Like last year with Springsteen who lip-synced, which is common with a big show like this to ensure that no technical problems get in the way of a giant event like this.
@Spiffyness: More than anything I am placing a bet. Like last year with Springsteen who lip-synced, which is common with a big show like this to ensure that no technical problems get in the way of a giant event like this.
@Alternate: OH THATS RIGHT!!!
So their performance is pre-recorded and they will be lip-syncing?
@Zaylex: I believe it is in system settings? I am at work and can't check, but go to the "my xbox" section, scroll all the way to the right and change settings, then go through each in the list and hunt it down. I know it's in there somewhere
@Derangel: I wanted to promote your comment for the sharing aspect. If I go to the store and buy a game, anyone in my family can play it and have their own save file. If I download a game, things get trickier.
In your options you can turn off "spotlight" as the main item that comes up. When you do, "my xbox" comes up as the default, and if it had when his son tried playing, pressing A would have either launched the game or opened the disc tray.
@Squiffy: I want to start off by addressing everyone who has replied to my comment. It inspired me to pick up the game again last night and reevaluate my style of play.
@stikkbomber: bravo
@RockyRan: The content doesn't make the game mature, and it doesn't make the audience mature. But a mature audience is required to enjoy the medium and not misinterpret the message.
So this guy will have some mustard with his foot when Heavy Rain is released? But we shouldn't need this game to come out to justify the right to have these games to play.
Anyone else bugged by the tangent created in the beasts face and the cliff edge in the picture? The thumbnail threw me off so I had to see the big picture.
@Auto Aim is for Pussies.: I was expecting the graphics to be on the same level because I have a ps3 and an HDTV. The thought hadn't crossed my mind going into it that the graphics would take a hit, but it totally makes sense that they do. But I was more questioning why there isn't even a mention of it.
@Dante_Ravenkin: I'm replying specifically to you, but I wish I could reply to everyone because I was sure I was going to get flamed but everyone was informative.
@Sloopydrew: Yes. Save it. Watch 4 and 5 before moving on to 6. They are all available to watch online either on [abc.com] or netflix. And season 4 goes by really fast. All the fat was trimmed thanks to the writers strike, and all thats left is the good stuff.
@ubikblack: or the Seinfeld finale.
@buddhathing: I was going to say that it sounds impossible for them to make a decision like that on such a strict timeline and budget. But I forgot that season 3 had the THREE MONTH intermission. Fun fact buddhathing, thanks for sharing.
"MAG's controls have the sort of tight response I like in a console shooter. It also lets me tweak the turn speeds, which is a definite must for spinning around on running targets."
@Manly_McBeeferton: Pogs. They're coming back in a big way.
@Kryptolojik: Zing. Heelarious.
As long as its not Tony Romo I will be happy