
Counterpoint: Fewer babies.

Capitalism ruins lives, ipso facto capitalism is a homewrecker.

Gavin McInnes looks like Tom Hardy in an Oscar-bait biopic of Nick Offerman.

Hey, remember that time Ben Stein accused Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of enabling the Cambodian genocide because Nixon would never have let it happen? That was pretty funny.

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but as a disabled person I really loved how the central joke of the "celebrity prom date" sketch ended up being the obnoxiousness of assuming that a disabled person is necessarily pathetic and desperate.

Lots of solid points here.

More or less ridiculous than pompously explaining the flaws in an entirely facetious suggestion?


They really thought outside the box casting Kate Mara as Hugh Hefner.

The matter-of-fact answer is that this was basically '60s-era clickbait. They did a statistically unlikely number of covers featuring Superman acting like an asshole/straight-up psychopath just so people would buy the comic to see what the fuck was going on. Nine times out of 10 the scene never showed up in the comic.

Being a dick is the best possible tribute to Superman's memory.

Duhhh, stay out of Riverdale.

Far be it from me to interrupt your fanfiction.

Shhh, wingnuts are so cute when they think they know Teh Big Werds.

I said fuck-all about how much I "support this." My entire point was the legal right (and doy-level logic) of a corporation to oust a chief executive for behavior that damages their brand.

Have fun splittin' those hairs, champ.

Ah, and here we go with "You are totally a hypocrite because of how I bet you would react in a scenario I made up." Keep going, I've almost got bingo.

Ah, we got straight to the bullshit "Obama supported Prop 8" meme in record time. You are not terribly good at this, little guy.