
These numbers are irrelevant.

Actually, it just turns out that Ted has been Kaiser Soze the whole time.

You're confusing issues. Treat her like this in a public school and we have a LEGAL problem. Treat her like this in a private, Christian school and we get to call the people who run the school dicks on the internet. Being religious and having a religious school doesn't insulate you from criticism.

The problem is, she still doesn't seem to understand it.

Yeah, the natives in Peter Pan were already really really racist stereotypes. In a fuckedup sort of way, this is probably one of the rare instances where whitewashing is actually okay... y'know, compared to the alternative.

A coworker of my sister's set her up for a joke like that once.

Here. I don't know how to make a tweet embed.

As a social worker and a mental health worker, I applaud the "efforts" of the government trying to solve this problem with more research. The fact of the matter is, social services, including funding for mental health, is the first to get cut in any aspect of government, nationally and locally. This is a population

Not a perfect show but better than a lot of other stuff on TV. Good to hear.

Yeah, "Maybe" makes me cry every time. This trailer, as an adoptee and WOC, made me cry. A lot.

Sorry, Severus only does the right thing AFTER Lily is killed. Up to that point, he was a willing member of the Death Eaters. Redeemed villain? Yes, but not a hero.

Woody's reaction to it on Sunday was pretty convincing. Not really something I'm desensitized enough to laugh about.

I really fucking hate Perez Hilton. I hate his face. He is disgusting, obnoxious, and a sexual harrasser (a harrasser in general, really). God, I hate him. >:(

this always gets me. 'utilize' is the one i see the most. what did 'use' ever do to you?

The idea that supporters of sustainable practices want to destroy the economy is just a smokescreen to hide the fact that the deep pockets behind climate denial are really protecting very specific business interests. Invariably, the things we need to do to reduce carbon emissions and become more sustainable are

My least favourite Carlin quote ever. He demonstrates that he does not actually understand the point of environmentalism and conservation (neither do a lot of self-proclaimed environmentalists for that matter). He bases his whole rant on the phrase "save the planet". Well, duh, the planet will survive, but that's not

Carlin was never as insightful as college student think he is.

I kind of love that I can tell who most of them are from the costumes alone. And there will never be enough Disney remix art. EVER.

I personally am concerned about all these white kids shooting up all these schools? Why are your kids so crazy? Put down that chopped kale and roasted almond salad and do something white people.