
You don't "stop by" for that. It takes commitment.

I'm aware. Not really seeing how that affects anything I said, but if we're just droppin' random facts, the plural of "beef" is "beeves."

I am SURE your objection to this is in good faith, Michelle-Malkin-who-literally-wrote-a-book-about-how-putting-Japanese-people-in-concentration-camps-was-the-right-thing-to-do.

So your basic theme is "Erroneously thinking other people give a fuck what you think," I'm gathering.

"I refuse to get outraged."

And there should be an amendment that you get to elbow willfully obtuse people in the throat.

It's weird that they didn't say "infer." They seem like the kind of people who would.

We see every time wingnuts try to deny saying something unfortunate that they don't understand the concept of audio or video recording, but I had no idea they struggled this much with the concept of letters too.

I can't decide whether I hate NYT not-actually-a-thing trend pieces of "what X person said in their Reddit AMA" articles worse.

Nithely done, Kingthlayer.

Right, I was referring to Alfie Allen's brief full-frontal in season 1.

I mean, we've seen Hodor and Theon, right? So really that's only one net dick.

Aren't all the first-tier Marvel actors under, like, nine-picture contracts? That's a hell of an asterisk.


Haaaaa, enjoy the precedent you've set when you end up working for a Christian Scientist, fuckers.

Haha, influx? That implies they're ever not present.

The pilot script contains, I shit you not, the stage direction "Alice turns even whiter, if that were possible."

So are the usual suspects gonna concern-troll about how Barack HUSSEIN Obama cares more about these TRIVIAL ISSUES, HARUMPH, HARUMPH, than Crimea and/or BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!1, or just straight-up admit they're in favor of the gap? Or both?

So considering everyone was wearing fedoras in 1945, I'm picturing the guy who wrote this wearing a top hat.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Trapped in Purgatory.