Yes, I know. She's also not literally as tall as the Hound. It was a joke.
Yes, I know. She's also not literally as tall as the Hound. It was a joke.
It's really convenient Sandor cleared out when he did, because it would have looked weird if he had been asking Sansa to come with him so he could protect her now that they're like the same height.
Well, for the first couple episodes, anyway. I'm sure Ragnarok will be unfolding by the season's halfway point.
So I'm not a huge fan of Katy Perry as a person (I honestly don't find her music distinctive enough to have an opinion on it) but I can respect her admitting she didn't understand what it meant. That is a pretty daunting thing to admit.
So libertarians' ideal world involves chattel slavery? You said it, not me.
Haha, they spelled "cids" wrong.
Barrie's view of Indians (which aligned with the Victorian British view in general) was essentially that Homer Simpson quote about how something's "just a myth, like leprechauns or Eskimos."
I don't, unfortunately; I read the quote on Tumblr so it may be misattributed, as these things often go. I'd dig through clips on YouTube but the CK routines on there tend to be longer sets that one has to dig through for a while.
Reminds me of, I think it was Louis CK, saying if someone made a racist/sexist/homophobic joke, you should act all confused and ask them to explain it and see if they were willing to stick to it.
Sorry, three things.
I am not, nor have I ever been, in favor of shutting down discussion and I 100% agree that he likely had more going on than Asperger's. What I object to is, again, throwing out a specific condition, without any kind of professional diagnostic process. Because people hear that and think "schizophrenics are, to a man,…
Oh dear, I'm being accused of being emotional and irrational by the guy who insists there's nothing wrong with untrained professionals trying to diagnose people because schizophrenics are scary.
"Unlike you, I don't give a crap about "winning" internet arguments, which is why I declared victory upthread."
Thinking personal insults mean you've won... the last refuge of someone richly deserving of personal insults.
There is no such thing as "reasonable stigmatization." Stigmatization actively discourages and disincentivizes seeking help or treatment. That does not make people safer.
How 'bout I think you're an asshole because you said "I'm just a realist" and "PC," two things no non-asshole has ever said in history?
The fact that he's not a professional means he's not a modern-day van Helsing educating us about the Crazy People Menace like your sockpuppet above thinks.
Here is your problem: you are confusing idle, fairly irresponsible speculation by a nonprofessional with an actual diagnosis.
Yay, he said something to destigmatize autism!