
This is the best #TrueDetectiveSeason2 yet.

Because they live in echo chambers where it's an accepted defense?

Chelsea Handler is what happens when your alcoholic aunt thinks she's your cool aunt.

I mean, I can't object too much to anything that involves Ted Mosby, the Rick Grimes of sitcoms, suffering.

Angie in the books is amazing. I know everybody's tired of the Southie-noir genre at this point but I would give my left nut for more Kenzie-Genarro movies.

I'm sure they didn't, I was just reminded of what a terrible person John Wayne was.

Tell me more of these soft tough guys, notorious draft-dodger John Wayne!

Photographic proof she is a goddamn Disney princess:

Ginger gender-flipped Matthew McConaughey is the hero we need AND deserve.

Glad to hear this. The whole "LOL, what wacky, embarrassing thing will the obviously mentally ill person do NEXT???" bit was gross even by tabloid standards.

Also, please dump the "black people, all of whom are going to be 100% forthcoming with my white ass about what makes them uncomfortable, said they were fine with it" trope (lookin' at you too, Papa Duck or whatever your name is), put it in the trunk of a car and drive it off a bridge.

White people with blackface are pretty much Veruca Salt. When you're used to pretty much the entirety of our culture catering to you at the expense of everyone else, of course you're gonna throw a hissy when you're told something is off-limits.

Lord, he's going to be insufferable tonight. At least it'll be early.

Responding to a satirist with harrumphy self-importance typically goes really, really well.

Jeepers, Robin Thicke can't take a hint re: whether or not a woman's interested in him. My socks just flew off my feet and into the wall and left two sock-shaped holes in the drywall because that's so surprising.

"Ricky van Veen" sounds like a fake name either Fletch or Roger the Alien would use.

His o-face is just his normal expression with one eyebrow quizzically raised.

I think part of the show's problem is that it seems like it's making deliberate points about masculinity and the disposability of women, but I can't tell if it's just being really subtle about it or if I'm just seeing what I want to see. Like, for example, in the most recent episode, we see Marty buying a ridiculous

I'm struck by how every reason they list could also be said of most non-physical punishments. Not struck hard enough to bruise, though.

"I can't listen to your message because you're too angry and swear a lot."