
And at the same time, it totally made sense as the only thing that would be consistently coming in in rural Kentucky. Made it easier to stand.

Lorde was great on True Detective.

"I'm gonna write SO MANY SONGS ABOUT THOSE BITCHES, and they'll never even KNOW, because I'm so subtle about it!"

Nick Searcy is a massive part of Justified if you watch it primarily for the grade A Elmore Leonardian snark like I do, which is why this makes me so sad.

"It's not MY fault, I just didn't do any research at all on my campaign surrogate, DUH."

I'm really glad people are having to Sister Soulja him over the "mongrel" thing, because that's one of the most explicitly racist things he's ever said (when I say "one of," I mean "one of"), but it's kind of depressing that him being an admitted kid-fiddler and threatening to rape a woman on TV didn't already make

I hope to God the Gay Department of Justice never investigates the Gay Mafia, because then the Gay Mafia will have Gay JFK killed to send a message and our nation will lose its gay innocence.

I'll give you that. And I have a similar level of contempt for someone who's apparently a professional writer who can't even be bothered to correctly spell the dumb nickname of the person he's disparaging.

It CAN be, but why in the world WOULD you?

I am dealing with it by saying it is awful and stupid.

I'm particularly loving Ygritte, largely because even though I love Rose Leslie like a sister, I always pictured Ygritte as having Merida hair. (Obviously I didn't call it that while picturing it, since I'm pretty sure she made her TV debut before "Brave" was released, but you get me.)

Ugggghhh. Obviously language evolving is a natural cultural phenomenon, but it shouldn't evolve just because we don't give a shit.

Oops, my mistake. Pretty sure "addicting" is not now a thing as a result of that mistake, though.

I would argue it's worse, because the kind of people who say "addicting" are the kind of people who watch "The Walking Dead."

Fuck me diagonally, "addicting" is not a thing. The word for the concept you are trying to describe is "addictive." It is a word intended just for that purpose.

Kid pulled off Bradley Cooper's beard way better than Bradley Cooper did.

"Tripper & the Lady."

UGGGGHHH, no, Showtime, don't accumulate so much good shit that I want to spring for you.

Surely you're not implying the Steel movie they already made isn't perfect in every way!

Shoutout to anyone in my state who's happy about this but not in a safe position to openly celebrate. This is for you too.