
She would be so much better as Nina Simone than Zoe Saldana.

Please stop treating Thatcher like a feminist icon (not Jez, but people in general). All it says is that your feminism throws poor woman and LGBTQ women under the bus. We already have quite enough of that.

"Include location?"

Probably. Seriously doubt Taylor Swift is, though.

Yeah, probably, but boobs + racism sounds like the 4chan Elysian Fields.

It's so perfect that they think slightly better of FEMEN. Because of COURSE 4chan goes for the people who think astroturfed, colonialist bullshit is feminism.

Still a better decision than marrying Robin Thicke.

God, I HATE you. Jacqueline Bisset hates you too.

HBO's encoring True Detective at 11, so I can watch the Globes; I don't know what I would have done otherwise.

Trailers for trailers? I acknowledge that you have me by the balls, show, but it'd be nice if you didn't rub it in.

They're compellingly funny-looking. My wife has the hots for Steve Buscemi for the same reason. (But she thinks Walton Goggins of "The Shield" and "Justified" fame is hideous, which I think is logically inconsistent.)

Suddenly his creative peak being a collaboration with Aaron Sorkin makes much more sense.

I just love the juxtaposition of the Britney Spears concern-shaming with the "How I got my abs back" tease on the other cover. Schrodinger's Fat.

Anyone else particularly disturbed that his reference point for someone who can change if they really want to is a disabled person?

Giving Zoe agency/some semblance of a moral compass is one of the best decisions this show made in terms of deviations from the original.

I have no idea if this is frowned upon or not, and I'm really sorry if it is, but a friend of mine needs this publicized; I've been sharing this on Facebook, but I thought a wider audience might help. Thanks, and possibly sorry.

He's got those black eyes, like a doll's eyes...

"You know what makes me happy, ladies and gentleman? To blow a mallard drake's head smooth off,"

This is so fascinatingly incoherent I don't even feel like dismissing it.