
... Care to recommend some resources on learning to make mobile games? Books? How did you learn?

What's she gonna teach them? "Shake your ass to the top"?

Now I' m feeling grateful for getting one just by asking some guy in some random forum.

... okay, that's adorable.

Also, if you're having a lot of fun being uncommonly SLOW while taking up your side of a sidewalk, pull aside for people who really need the time.

What is, exactly, a "friend" tho?

Wow you guys really do abuse yout boogeyman. Every hilariously stupid thing a woman does now she's always a concealed MRA or 4Chan..nist? Whatever.

I will never understand people who take pride on buying every "special" edition 3DS Nintendo makes. They take it as "LOL I'M SOOOO A NINTENDO FAN, STOP TAKING MY MONAY PLEASE!", but when you spend hundreds of dollars on the same system again and again "just for the lolz"... I think you have a problem.

3DS Advance?

A bit?? What difficulty did you play it on? That bitch takes foreveeeeeeerrrrr and there are guys shooting from every directions and throwing grenades at her.

Err... did you play the Control mission? I guess no.

inb4 "it sucks because it's not Queen or Guns n' Roses *sips tea*".

What's the obssesion with getting gaming labeled as a sport? It isn't, get over it. Nobody's gonna look at a football/handegg/basketball player and at a LoL player at the same time and think "yep, they're totally the same".

Uh, I'm sorry, Poker is fun to watch.

Yes, women. Yes, we are different. Yes, you are inferior and that's why we, male gamers, hate to play those female-centric games.

Haha, wow, not making games with female MC's is sexist and telling other people to make them if they want it so much is "segregation". This whole thing just keeps getting better and better. You should all contact UNICEF over this blatant violation of your human rights.

lol I guess jokes about death, genocide, racism,whatever, are "prohibited" then.

Grow up, Katie.

Lol this is so unbiased.