I felt like this for a long time so here is the hard truth - it’s you (not in a bad way, but if you don’t see it you will never be able to fix it).
I disagree.
If I were to walk on eggshells and edit all of my content before saying it aloud, wouldn’t that be even MORE insulting? Editing myself would presume that you are an overly sensitive twit who needs special handling, rather than just another person. Please, learn to take it as a compliment when people tell you seemingly…
So the genuine arguments about journalistic impropriety and transparency shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone because a couple psychopaths made threats?
to keep it short,
I can't believe people are actually supportive of Nintendo and their decision to screw over owners of the older 3DS models.
I see. Such a protest that would make.
So some people got upset because someone said something that someone else told them might mean something else more offensive that... contextually, would make no sense but they're still going to assume and get upset that he meant the more offensive, theorised, "coded" term as opposed to just the actual word he said?
I'm kind of sad I'm gray again. I was one of the Approved (my comments skipped the pending stage) shortly before the switch to the then-new comment system. Now I'm back to gray it seems. :/
What if that makes you into another person, someone EVIL?
Actually, that's just the author's superiority complex shining through, assuming everyone who doesn't agree with their world views is an illiterate Neanderthal.
Awful game. Childhood ruin. We might as well end our lives, now there's nothing left to live for or be happy about.
he pretty much just ruined everything I've ever loved about sm64 right there. I now think it's a bad game and I blame the developers
Uhhhh you were never supposed to get that coin, that's why it was under the ground. Why don't people play the game the way developers WANT them to instead of THEIR way?
"This is harassment," the woman is heard saying on the video. "I didn't do anything wrong. I'm going to sue the shit out of you." She also called the people restraining her "racists" and "fucking bigots."
The Harman Kardon BT were pretty nice when I tried a friend's pair. They also sometimes go on sale ($185 now on Amazon). I purchased some Monoprice BT headphones which aren't as good, but also were less than a third of the price.
The Harman Kardon BT were pretty nice when I tried a friend's pair. They also sometimes go on sale ($185 now on…