
Those poor, poor strong independent womyn

What passes as a "death threat" nowadays?

Here we go...

lol you're comparing the NSA to a random guy in 4Chan, ok.

The patriarchy isn't gonna smash itself!

... Reddit?

Come on, that's the popular idea all these gaming "anti-misogyny" warriors are trying to sell, just look at Sarkeesian, every game is "problematic", context doesn't matter unless it favours the agenda, everybody who disagrees with Sarkeesian does it because they're misogynists and that's the way they like their games,

Uh... just scroll down a bit more and that's it?

Oh so you could actually read, see?

Hah so now you forgot the question? Okay, you could scroll up a bit and re-read it yourself. that is, if you weren't playing dumb.

And where is my outrage?

If you can find just one "offensive" scene in a video game, and there would only been 50 games, that's "50 proofs the gaming world is a misgogynistic cesspit", there, I even gave you the Buzzfeedian title.

Aw, stop, you're hurting my feelings.

Stupid fanboys, man.

Well, that's you, and me, but the stupid Nintendo fanboys who believe Nintendo never does wrong will buy every stupid new version they release, so we're screwed up.

I'm really starting to dislike Nintendo so much...


Wait, there's exclusive games for this version?

Oh yeah, thanks a fucking lot Nintendo for releasing this stupid thing JUST NOW when everybody already invested in their fucking hanhelds.

Poor poor CSKA.