I thought we were discussing sexist videogames here.
I thought we were discussing sexist videogames here.
Nothing to say about Zoey Quinn's harassment against TYFC? Okay.
Aw, sorry if I don't keep up with your standards of "coolness", babe, I have better things to worry about :3 <—- me being uncool again.
"They were leered at, catcalled, asked to dance on tables at industry after-parties. I was propositioned by an attendee (middle-aged man) on my way to a shift, when I turned him down he got hostile"
haha lol another one comparing the GOVERNMENT with a PRIVATE game company?
Wow, great comeback.
Government is supposed to work for your well being, so it MUST satisfy your needs.
Hah wow you certainly have a talent to make up shit about what other people say, or maybe you need to learn how to read.
Huh? Okay, keep critizicing the work... what is it that you are trying to accomplish with all these complaints then?
"There are tons of women developers... who get shit on all the time" You must be ready to provide numbers when making statements like these.
When you say "women who make games get shit on all the time", you're talking about Zoey Quinn and.. who else?
? And you gonna solve the "problem" with "media criticism"? Well good luck with that.
... Why don't you do it yourselves? If those kinda games you propose (whatever kind they are) would be better... wouldn't that be an amazing business oportunity? So... why aren't all those outraged feminist devs making those better games? I don't think you're entitled to tell how other people should make their work,…
Zoe Quinn? The one who tried to shutdown another fundraiser for women developers because she wanted all that money to go into her own one instead? That's your example?
Then the next complain would be that there isn't enough "thought being put into what studios are developing".
No, maybe what he meant was that MAYBE women should stop complaining about how games are made and INSTEAD start making games how they think they should be made.
So... why do The Young Fine Capitalists recieve so much support from even sites like the "EVIL" 4chan? Maybe because they don't depend on cherry picking and yelling "SEXISM!" everytime a female character dies in a video game? What's the difference between Anita Sarkeesian and TYFC? Think about that.
Shhh, we are in Gawker, Zoe Quinn is a taboo topic over here... for obvious reasons lol
Relevant JanTran video.
At this point they just may ditch the series and do a Super Racing Bros game, ala DK Racing, that was sublime.