
But why isn't he a black woman!?!!?1?111?

TLoZ has always been about Link, the guy who saves the world. I'd love to be able to play as a female with different moves and "powers" than Link through some segments of the game, but Link should ALWAYS be the main character of the game.

I've always been told of "The HERO of time", I expect him to be a guy.

I wouldn't call "I want to play ONE game as a female" an "important" issue.

Wow, you spelled it correctly.

... Let's just hope the poor guy doesn't get too much hate and/or death threats for not drawing Link as a woman.

So... the ones in the right are bigger res and maybe with some extra colors?

It's a ripoff, the tiles, the grass, it's just too blatant.

Err.. that IS Minish Cap, Nintendo would instantly sue the sh*t out of it.

Eh... how much should I game "look like" another game before being considered a carbon copy? Because ... that's a lot like Metroid, I mean, the assets, animations... everything.

Do these apps really work?

BTW that Brooks celebration, I thought he was having a mental breakdown..

I was rooting for the US but what the hell, what a bad performance, it's like all that improvement they did these years just... never existed.

So... "soccer injuries" are fake right?

The team who scores first lose lol

So... #NotAllFeminists?

I think the negativity towards him has its roots in his... surprise... fans. They're tumblr-fandoms level of obnoxious.

Don't forget the new one:

Context don't matter, you silly boy.

I don't understand his popularity either, shit, I don't understand the popularity of ANY gameplays channel in YouTube, I just don't get it. That doesn't mean the guy is a douche. I'd wish to have some of his money, yes... A lot of his money, actually... but that's just envy.