
Many what... 12 year old players? I killed some prostitues for fun back in GTA SAN ANDREAS, I laughed because it was funny that they put that mechanic in the game. Then never bothered with it again, because it has no point. People spend their time in GTA killing each other or doing stunts with vehicles, they even

It's videogame violence against WOMEN goodamit!

Shhhh, no logic, only snark.

So Sarkeesian is a Master Racer huh? 'cause she seems to never have played Red Dead. Whiners gonna whine.


Could it be that we are too used to his voice in GoT to feel it "right" in Destiny? At least that's what I'm feeling, I can't stop imagining Tyrion talking to me, it just doesn't fit in this game for me :/

Damn, I wanted Germany to win... but not like this.

Having to pay twice for the same game just to play it in your two consoles is really stupid and I can't believe Nintendo does that in the year 2014. Get your shit together and also create a decent account system that WORKS for us and not just to impose more restrictions to us.

FFVI > All.

Nintendo fanboy "nintendoneverdoeswrong" mode: engaged.

Haha oh for fuck's sake, here I was, believin' I was arguing with an adult.

Wow going all defensive there buddy, do any of Ninti's money go into your pockets or are you the son of Reggie? And yeah? Now I don't understand why the hell they put "Player vs. CPU" option in their games, because of course playing with the CPU is totes fun compared to playing online with a friend...

Well that's just satire...

... Nintendo's goal is your money. Don't delude yourself into thinking they are inept to program a decent online platform just because they like friendships and families playing together.

To be fair, everybody in ColOmbia* also hates that guy, but yeah, I preffer him to the English "Oh! What a goal, what a lovely strike *sips tea*", fuck that, we are passionate over here and a goal doesn't happen that fucking often.

I... I just got a bunch of technician jobs... I guess I'm dumb D:

Did you just see that tiny moth?

Master racers and their "resolutions"...

And disabled ones.

... There was Mountain Dew back then?