
So hey, how is Red Dead Redemption running on PC these days?

A new classic side-scrolling Metroid would be awesome. Nitendo pls.

Yup, this is it, stop commenting. Chrono Trigger > All.

Yeah, because THAT is what bother men about being falsely accused of rape, not getting anymore gurllz... are you fucking serious? Don't you know how this world works? FFS.

You all live in delusion world if you think "being avoided by some women or something" is what happens when you're accused of rape.

100k bag, yeah, I don't wish to know any retard who buys something like that.

The teams didn't give it their all?? Worst game ever??

Oh... my... Lavos

Jeez Nintendo, is it really that hard to..

Imagine something, pay attention:

What are the japanese names of these? Pls :(

By Soul Eater you mean the piece of crap "Soul Eater Not!"?

Man, it really feels bad that every person that made so much iconic work for us in our childhoods and adolescences is dying.

Interesting ideas, HORRIBLE execution. It was fun, but the closer they come to the front of the train the more... retarded the movie gets.

Uh, why does that ring a bell?

Deadtho Scytho

No, no, no, not at all... I can see why it isn't a legendary.

I still don't get what the fuck is this game about

Am I the only one who thinks legendaries shouldn't have Megaevolutions? That seems odd, they're supposed to be perfect and stuff.

Pokemon XD, man.