
This comment section makes me feel even LESS guilty of not taking feminism seriously.

Videogames taught me english.

Extreme aracno-phobic here.

But PC gamers are so mature and have the best community ever, not like those pesky stupid console peasants..

Mate, what the hell are you talking about? I said I didn't have a problem with most 3rd Gen Pokemon designs... I can't really see what's your problem with that statement.

Fucking terrible.

I think it's stupid and that's why I hate the idea or Arceus and that's why I hate Gen 4 more than any other. "God" Pokemon, way to kill the lore of a game.

Notice how which each iteration, legendaries look more and more like fucking aliens or robots...

Er... yeah, that's what I said I didn't have a problem with "most" of the designs... do you know what... "most" means?

Torchic... I personally liked it.

Like... XD?


... So, that's it. Nintendo is finally a "kid's company", fuck their older audience.

The comments.

Nina :'(

Thank you, I thought I was the only one.

Gen III was the last gen I didn't have a problem with most of the new pokemon designs. There were some awesome pokemon there, for me, it went downhill from there. Still, pretty good games.

It's not even like the games look bad on the GBA.

I... really don't get the hype. It's not like Hoenn was the best region ever or had the best Pokemon... It's just a REMAKE. Damn Nintendo fanboys are easy to please...

Pokemon RPG? ... hasn't Pokemon always been an RPG?