
I know, but still, I don't think people wouldn't buy a maybe 100+ USD machine that can run the awesome 3DS games we had so far, the old DS ones and had enough power to run some awesome looking games.

Mmmm yeah, how exciting.

I love the 3DS... games. The console SUCKS so much. The only thing I like about it is the 3D, YES, YOU READ IT RIGHT, the 3D is the only stand-out part of the 3DS, some games use it so damn right, it's just awesome, you just have to know how to use it. But the console is so damn underpowered, absurd framerate drops,

Yeah I get you. I've tried MH3U on the 3DS and it seems fun... if the 3DS had proper controls for this game. Underwater battles are impossible.

So fresh and original lolololol

You can just not buy the game, you know...

Er... yeah? I think you can. It would be illegal tho, as much as killing homosexual people.

Yeah, pretty much. I was reffering more about the comments here, tho.

This is the right answer.

Like another generic RPG? Nah thanks.

Damn these people complain about EVERYTHING, do they even like any movie?

People, people, stop comparing this with Mass Effect and stuff like that.

I knew the phrase was going to end with "... and a terrible ending".

Meh, whatever, I don't really care about the look, I hope I would be too entertained to pay attention to their nostrils... BUT... Megan Fox?? Are you fucking kidding me!!!??

Whatever, but by posting like what? 4-5 replies deffending Nintendo and telling us how they're being "bullied", is a bit exagerated. Just calm down.

People bitching about Samus' suit need to look for real problems to be mad at.

Man, do you recieve money from Nintendo or something? Relax, Nintendo shouldn't need its "fanst" to defend them.

Yup, sorry, I couldn't even finish Rayman for the N64 because of the cartooney spiders level.

I don't buy that, give a company a new way to make even moar moneyz and they will do it without hesitation.

Where do you get those numbers from?