If Nintendo made their consoles powerful enough to allow decent third-party support, it would be unstopable. I can't think of anybody who wouldn't buy a machine that has the awesome first-party Nintendo titles but also the awesome third-party ones.
If Nintendo made their consoles powerful enough to allow decent third-party support, it would be unstopable. I can't think of anybody who wouldn't buy a machine that has the awesome first-party Nintendo titles but also the awesome third-party ones.
This looks really good, it's so sad that Nintendo took SO DAMN LONG to launch one of his most beloved games for his not-that-new console, they wouldn't have so many problems then.
I know, when I said "the pokes" I meant catching them, training them and battling with them, those things won't get affected if you changed the plot for the better.
You can make a deep, interesting story with Pokemon (instead of the generic "become the league champion and defeat the legendary pokemon to save the region!!! plot), and still keep the game mechanics everybody likes, I think there would be no problem. Everybody likes Pokemon because of the Pokes, not because of the…
There are games that you can make more mature without it losing its essence (Metroid, Star Fox, Zelda, freaking Pokemon even), there are games that just don't, Kirby is one of those, it's not a game to be taken serious.
And that'w hy the Wii U is doing so well amirite?
Right there with ya.
I love anime but I really don't understand all the fuss for this reboot, it's not like Sailor Moon was the best or deepest anime ever.
I just think Dark Souls is that thing everybody hates but play it just to brag about it online about how "hardcore" they are, there isn't a single Dark Souls article without the comments turning into an "Oh I've died 1400 times LOLOLOLOL SO HARD! contest.
Crappy graphics?
Damn, Final Fantasy, why did you have to break my heart by becoming so shit?
Oh Deadspin comments, as "funny" as ever, you guys should start your own shows, seriously.
I read it as "How I wooded..."
Nintendo should behave like the other companies... when doing so benefits the damn audience.
The beat the shit ouf of him, right?
What's up with bashing electronic music being cool? I bet you would like the video better if it had some Mozart or [insert random underground genre of music].
Why are americans obsessed with what they call "political correctness"?
How do they figure these stuff out?
Thank the heavens for region locking.
So you would preffer a Metroid without Samus...