
A female player would be "way more fun" than Link... .... why, exactly?

Leave Bubsy 3 alone!!

Or maybe having more money than brains.

The post and the user in question:

This was posted by somebody on Taringa!, an argentine website that used to be pretty popular... like five years ago, I bet he doesn't know he's now on Reddit.

Yeah, Dark Souls II is the hardest game ever and it's cool to go telling people how many times you've died, we get it, get over it.

I don't get why Beyond Good and Evil is so praised, it was a good game but... what was ground-breaking about it? I think it got repetitive pretty fast! Also the levels were just TOO long! They weren't even hard... they were tedious...

I love my 3DS, but I can't say I wouldn't love it if it had a little more power. 3DS has te gamezzz, but playing on a Vita is really beautiful...

Everything looks pretty 1 KM from afar...


No when it comes to Video Game addiction or that kinda stuff...

Why is it always South Korea...

Pff that's Slappy from Goosebumps.

"Take her IP address not mine"

Most people don't know who Escavalier is, earlier gen pokemon are more popular.

I love Pokemon as much as everybody else but, a Pokemon game with an actually interesting plot would be good.

People really get just TOO MUCH into this graphics bullshit...

It's not like you were wrong...

Seriously WTF is this game

... Just when I was going to sleep, WTF!