
8th in completion %, 3rd in yds/game, 6th in QBR? That is a lot better than replacement level. All that without the 5 players that should have been on the roster instead of RG3. It's not the QB. It's your shitty front office. 

I.... I think we might be brothers?

Insanity. He should be executed. Klages too. 

It’s been my main ring tone for almost a decade. RIP.

Did you watch Peppers play in the bigger games? OSU and MSU were running right at him, that’s how bad of a tackler he is. He had 0 impact on offense against decent teams. He was maybe the 3rd best defender on his own team and was a very good return man, who only ran one back. Heisman finalist? That’s a joke. And an

There IS crying in baseball!

How many full Japanese games have you watched? It’s definitely not. AAA ball top to bottom is better than Japanese majors. Yes there are great players that come out of Japan, but there are far more coming from US colleges even.

It really burns me up that the school and Paterno got off scot free. Penn state should have gotten the death penalty. So schools would actually maybe, ya know, report abuse.

You actually have to boil it first. Otherwise it sticks to the ice. And yes, I've done this.

Always comes back to pills with this guy.

But wait.... I thought there was no such thing as having an addiction to Marijuana, and that's why it's so safe and should be totally legal?

How did nobody mention Silverchair?

Can we finally move everyone back like 4 feet from the court? Fans sitting ON the bench, cameramen literally under the basket. Seriously just back the fuck up like a few feet.

You’re right, last second field goals don’t count. I’ll alert the New England Patriots so that they can turn in their Super Bowl, and Tom Brady that he's not that good he's just fluky.

Harbaugh? Seriously? What has he actually won in college? 0 conference titles? One good bowl win?

I just..... I just don't get how you make that call. I'm still dumbfounded.

Except this is a totally strawman argument. ALL of those names were chosen on purpose to be slightly offensive for shock value. If you ask their CEOs or CMOs I’m sure that they will admit as much. Are the Redskins trying to make the same claim? That they KNOW Redskins is offensive, so they want the name for shock

As a fan who has tried to explain this statue before, it’s frequently known as “Magic Freeman” or “Morgan Johnson” to grads, as it in no way looks like Magic, but definitely looks like Morgan Freeman with a 70s low-’fro

That bike lock is back to $39

That bike lock is back to $39

How is hi-fidelity “for the women” and not mentioned under the “for the men” section? Great movie, it’s fun for all people, and it’s a great date movie. This PR company blows for that error alone.